In this fanciful romp of cartoon creatures in a whimsical forest setting with fantasy colors, boldly painted mixed-media joins a light-filled painted background, while small hidden creatures peek out to watch along forest paths. perfectly suited to younger readers or an interactive story time where everyone is encouraged to join in the fun. --School Library Journal (starred review) The infectious beat of the rhyming text and repetition of phrases like, "I'm not like you, / So I'll just do what I can do," sets up an energetic, predictable pattern ideal for reading aloud. Set against a bucolic, impressionistic woodland background, the loosely rendered, amusing, dynamic illustrations echo this pattern as the creatures (despite the seeming limitations of their various physiques) perform signature interpretive dances with inspired, fluid, free-spirited abandon across double-page spreads until they all collapse in a merry heap. Joyous, upbeat, toe-tapping, hip-swinging, high-stepping fun. --Kirkus Reviews.
The More the Merrier