* = New to this Edition PREFACE 1 What Is It to Be a Professional? The Professions, Leadership, and Work Henry Mintzberg and James B. Quian The Professional Organization Michael D. Bayles The Professions Michael Davis Professional Responsibility: Just Following the Rules? Joanne B. Ciulla What Is Good Leadership? Richard A. Wasserstrom Lawyers as Professionals: Some Moral Issues Samuel Gorovitz Good Doctors Preston Stovall Professional Virtue, Professional Self-Awareness, and Engineering Ethics CASES Case 1.1: Martin Benjamin and Joy Curtis, "Professionalism and Nursing" Case 1.2: Nick Denton, "Less Heat, More Light" Case 1.3: Michael C.
Loui, "The Professional Engineer" 2 How to Be Ethical Walter Stace On Ethical Relativism Aristotle On the Good Life Plato The Ring of Gyges Thomas Hobbes From Leviathan Immanuel Kant Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals John Stuart Mill Utilitarianism John Dewey The Construction of Good Virginia Held On Feminist Ethics CASES *Case 2.1: American Anthropological Association Statement on Race Case 2.2: James Rachels, "The Prisoner''s Dilemma" Case 2.3: Bernard Williams, "George, Jim, and Utilitarianism" 3 Professional Duties, Clients'' Rights Michael D. Bayles I The Professional-Client Relationship Joel J. Kupperman Autonomy and the Very Limited Role of Advocacy in the Classroom John Wesley Hall, Jr. I Professional Responsibility for Lawyers John K. Davis I Conscientious Refusal and a Doctor''s Right to Quit Monroe H.
Freedman I Solicitation of Clients: The Professional Responsibility to Chase Ambulances Julie Cantor and Ken Baum I The Limits of Conscientious Objection-May Pharmacists Refuse to Fill Prescriptions for Emergency Contraception? Alan Meisel and Mark Kuczewski I Legal and Ethical Myths About Informed Consent Judge Spotswood W. Robinson, III I Opinion in Canterbury v. Spence *Erin Rothwell, Donna Brassil, Marietta Barton-Baxter, Kimberly A. Brownley, Neal W. Dickert, Daniel E. Ford, Stephanie A. Kraft, Jennifer B. McCormick, and Benjamin S.
Wilfond Informed Consent: Old and New Challenges in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic Gerald Andrews Emison I American Pragmatism as a Guide for Professional Ethical Conduct for Engineers CASES Case 3.1: Edwin J. Perkins, "The Booming Twenties" Case 3.2: Megan Rickel, "An Apple a Day" Case 3.3: Allison Stevens, "Target at the Center of Battle over Plan B" 4 Truth, Lies, and Deception Clancy Martin I A Brief Introduction to the Morality of Deception Robert C. Solomon I Is It Ever Right to Lie? Joseph S. Ellin and Milton F. Lunch I Special Professional Morality and the Duty of Veracity Paul Ekman and Mark G.
Frank I Lies That Fail *Yuritsa Zolkefi I The Ethics of Truth-Telling in Health-Care Settings Joseph Collins I Should Doctors Tell the Truth? Ronald H. Stein I Lying and Deception for Counselors and Clients Benjamin Freedman I Offering Truth: One Ethical Approach to the Uninformed Cancer Patient Burton M. Leiser I Truth in the Marketplace CASES Case 4.1: Stephen Hess, "Lying (for Journalists)" Case 4.2: Mary R. Anderlik, Rebecca D. Pentz, and Kenneth R. Hess, "Revisiting the Truth-Telling Debate: A Study of Disclosure Practices at a Major Cancer Center" Case 4.
3: Robert C. Solomon, "Flying or Lying in Business Class" Case 4.4: Robert C. Solomon, "Willful Ignorance? Or Deception?" Case 4.5: Byron Waller, "Clients Telling the Truth as They Know It" 5 Privacy and Confidentiality Mary Beth Armstrong Confidentiality: A Comparison Across the Professions of Medicine, Engineering, and Accounting *Donalda Halabuza Guidelines for Social Workers'' Use of Social Networking Websites Kenneth Kipnis A Defense of Unqualified Medical Confidentiality Wayne Vaught Parents, Lies, and Videotape: Covert Video Surveillance in Pediatric Care Jesper Ryberg Privacy Rights, Crime Prevention, CCTV and the Life of Mrs. Aremac *Jim Isaak and Mina J. Hannah I User Data Privacy: Facebook, Cambridge Analytica, and Privacy Protection Bo Brinkman An Analysis of Student Privacy Rights in the Use of Plagiarism Detection Systems CASES Case 5.1: Oliver Mytton, "Should Doctors Talk to Relatives Without a Competent Patient''s Consent?" Case 5.
2: R. Jeffrey Smith, "DeLay PAC Is Indicted for Illegal Donations: Corporate Gifts Aided GOP in Texas Races" Case 5.3: Dwight Garner, "You''re a Voyeur, I''m a Voyeur" Case 5.4: Philip H. Albert, "Trade Secrets: It''s Not Who You Know" 6 Integrity, Secrecy, and Trust Sissela Bok Whistleblowing and Professional Responsibility Michael Davis Some Paradoxes of Whistleblowing Ronald Duska Whistleblowing and Employee Loyalty Lynne McFall Integrity Cheshire Calhoun Standing for Something Amy Gutmann Can Virtue Be Taught to Lawyers? *Dennis Broeders The Secret in the Information Society Thomas Nagel Ruthlessness in Public Life Josiah Royce Loyalty Bernard Williams Politics and Moral Character CASES Case 6.1: Charles F. Squire, "Is It Ethical to Criticize Other Dentists'' Work?" Case 6.2: Megan Rickel, "Blowing the Whistle in Iraq" Case 6.
3: Myron Glazer, "Ten Whistleblowers and How They Fared" 7 Professionalism and Social Responsibility Bowen H. McCoy The Parable of the Sadhu John Rawls Justice as Fairness Peter Singer Rich and Poor Tom Tomlinson Caring for Risky Patients: Duty or Virtue Dalai Lama The Ethic of Compassion Amartya Sen The Economics of Poverty Rachel Smolkin Off the Sidelines CASES Case 7.1: Suzanne Gamboa, "Groups Debate Costs of Educating Illegal Immigrant Children" Case 7.2: William H. Shaw and Vincent Barry, "The Fordasaurus" Case 7.3: Plato, "The Carpenter and the Cobbler" *Case 7.4: J. Sophia Yin, "Physicians'' Duty to Treat in a Pandemic" *Case 7.
5: Doug McConnell, "Balancing the Duty to Treat with the Duty to Family in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic" Case 7.6: Virginia G. Maurer, "Corporate Social Responsibility and the ''Divided Corporate Self'': The Case of Chiquita in Colombia" 8 Conflicts of Interest and Government Regulation C. S. Lewis The Inner Ring Adam Bellow Nepotism in American Business Stephen Coleman Conflict of Interest and Police: An Unavoidable Problem Daniel S. Goldberg Concussions, Professional Sports, and Conflicts of Interest: Why the National Football League''s Current Policies are Bad for Its (Players'') Health Richard T. De George Ethical Issues for Accountants Jason E. Klein and Alan R.
Fleischman The Private Practicing Physician-Investigator: Ethical Implications of Clinical Research in the Office Setting Karen Sanders Ethics and Journalism Maude Laliberté and Anne Hudon Do Conflicts of Interest Create a New Professional Norm? Physical Therapists and Workers'' Compensation Rebecca Dresser Plan B: Politics and Values at the FDA, Again *Roland Jones and Alexander Simpson I Medical Assistance in Dying: Challenges for Psychiatry Kenneth J. Arrow Social Responsibility and Economic Efficiency John Corvino ''Under God''s Authority": Professional Responsibility, Religious Accommodations, and the Culture Wars CASES Case 8.1: Scott J. Turner, "Drug Company Gifts: Marketing Technique Poses Ethical Questions for Some" Case 8.2: Maria Merritt, "Moral Conflict in Clinical Trials" Case 8.3: Albert Camus, "Quarantine Ethics" Case 8.4: George J. Annas, "''Culture of Life'': Politics at the Bedside - The Case of Terri Schiavo".