Reach every student with MyLab Economics MyLab(tm) is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student. By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student. Learn more about MyLab Economics. About the book A history of excellence in economic content and application New and Revised - Chapters have been reworked for better flow and improved readability. More thorough discussion of and focus on important topics and issues have been added to the 13th Edition. Expanded - A 3-tiered explanation of key concepts (using intuitive stories, followed by a table or graph, and in some cases, an equation that presents the concept with a mathematical formula) helps instructors effectively cover a large amount of material, and helps students to understand it. Updated - Graphs, Figures, and Animations help students learn the concepts in the book. Concept Checks act as "speed bumps" that encourage students to stop and check their understanding of fundamental terms and concepts before moving on to the next section.
New and Updated - End-of-Chapter Critical-Thinking Questions and Problem Sets reinforce economic principles and give students the opportunity to practice what they''ve just learned. Show students the relevance of economics to their lives Updated - Real-world examples and applications illustrate and reinforce key economic concepts. Updated - Economics in Practice boxes focus on recent research and events that support key concepts in the chapter. This helps students to think deeply about what they''ve read and make connections between what they learn in class and how it can apply to their jobs in the real world. Examine the power and breadth of microeconomic models The introduction of a competitive market model first, followed by noncompetitive market structures gives students a clear understanding of basic economic theory and how market opportunities operate. Reach every student with MyLab Teach your course your way: Your course is unique. So whether you''d like to build your own assignments, teach multiple sections, or set prerequisites, MyLab gives you the flexibility to easily create your course to fit your needs. New - Pearson eText is a simple-to-use, mobile-optimized, personalized reading experience available within MyLab.
It lets students highlight, take notes, and review key vocabulary all in one place -- even when offline. Seamlessly integrated videos and other rich media engage students and give them access to the help they need, when they need it. Educators can easily share their own notes with students so they see the connection between their eText and what they learn in class. Empower each learner: Each student learns at a different pace. Personalized learning pinpoints the precise areas where each student needs practice, giving all students the support they need -- when and where they need it -- to be successful. Question Help consists of homework and practice questions to give students unlimited opportunities to master concepts. Learning aids walk students through the problem -- giving them assistance when they need it most. Dynamic Study Modules use the latest developments in cognitive science and help students study chapter topics by adapting to their performance in real time.
The Study Plan gives students personalized recommendations, practice opportunities, and learning aids to help them stay on track. Short answer questions encourage critical thinking. The authors have added a writing component to a select number of questions to further assess students'' understanding of the material and help develop critical-thinking skills. Deliver trusted content: You deserve teaching materials that meet your own high standards for your course. That''s why we partner with highly respected authors to develop interactive content and course-specific resources that you can trust -- and that keep your students engaged. Digital Interactives are dynamic and engaging activities that use real-time data from the Federal Reserve''s Economic Data (FRED(tm)) to promote critical thinking and application of key economic principles. Every week, microeconomic and macroeconomic news stories and accompanying exercises are posted to MyLab. Assignable and auto-graded, these multi-part exercises ask students to recognize and apply economic concepts to current events.
Worksheets are available in the MyLab so instructors have the option to give students pencil to paper practice with graphing and other key topics in the economics course area. They also help to develop critical-thinking skills via short-answer student responses. Improve student results: When you teach with MyLab, student performance often improves. That''s why instructors have chosen MyLab for over 15 years, touching the lives of over 50 million students. Check out the preface for a complete list of features and what''s new in this edition.