Praise for Sky in Stereo Vol 1:"One of the Outstanding Comics of 2015." -- Village Voice"Shortlist for the 2015 Cartoonist Studio Prize for Best Comic of the Year" -"It looks, with eyes wide open, at the teenagers who are awkwardly - and sometimes, due to theincreasing availability of heroin, dangerously - coming of age in Manchester's thumping musicscene." -- Katie Haegele, The Believer"It's a coming-of-age tale if there ever was one." -- Frank Santoro, The Comics Journal"It feels personal, and intimate in a way that belies its status as fiction." -- Tim O'Neil, Onion AVClub"Mardou's black-and-white line drawings are expressive, focusing primarily on the interactionsbetween characters but also capturing moments of solitude in a spare but effective way." -- EvaVolin, Booklist"If the biggest problem with a book is the fact that I didn't like that it ended, I'd call that asuccess." -- Kevin Bramer, Optical Sloth"Mardou pens a compelling story .
" -- Lady Collective"The tale is broad in its thematic scope, covering everything from religion to drug use to teenagerelationships and the search for one's place in the world." -- Joshua K. Connelly, RiverfrontTimes"Mardou does a wonderful job of capturing the aimlessness of this in-between age, as well as itsunexpected joys." -- Publishers Weekly"Mardou's narration is wonderful. She paces the story quite well making every page feel intimateand personal." -- Dustin Cabeal, Comic Bastards"By the end of this volume, Sky in Stereo shifts into something unmoored and unpredictable,imperceptibly tracing the path by which Iris's inquisitive and skeptical nature slips into simplybecoming adrift" -- Sean Rogers, The Globe and Mail.