"This beautiful book will enrich every life--and relationship--it touches." -- Ken Blanchard, coauthor of The One Minute Manager ® and Leading at a Higher Level "Written from honest experience and with immense compassion, Ana and John's book gives an actionable roadmap towards real lasting love in any relationship." --Marie Forleo, author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Everything Is Figureoutable " The Go-Giver Marriage is a beautiful treasure map -- not just for happy, intentional partnerships but also for happy, intentional humans. Whether you're coupled, uncoupled, or seeking your soul mate, this is a must-read if you want to find deep answers to key questions you never thought to ask." --Christine Kane, author of The Soul-Sourced Entrepreneur "One firefly can distinguish itself only by becoming a blazing beacon of incandescent brilliance. There are many marriage books but this book is that firefly. It's for everyone, married or not-yet, who desires the ultimate joy from living with another person. Truly life-changing.
" -- Rabbi Daniel Lapin "John and Ana have written a beautiful tribute to the joys and challenges of marriage. This is a book that couples will come back to again and again." -- Harville Hendrix, PhD, and Helen LaKelly Hunt, PhD, New York Times bestselling coauthors of Getting the Love You Want: A Guide for Couples "Falling in love is easy. Staying in love? That's the tricky part. John and Ana have written a beautiful tribute to the joys and challenges of marriage, followed by actionable steps to keep the relationship strong. This is a book that many couples will be coming back to again and again." --Harville Hendrix, PhD, and Helen LaKelly Hunt, PhD, co-authors Getting the Love You Want: A Guide for Couples "Full of inspiration and wisdom, the entertaining stories in The Go-Giver Marriage make the true, time-tested secrets of a happy marriage jump off the pages and into your heart." --Laura Doyle, New York Times bestselling author of The Empowered Wife "[ The Go-Giver Marriage ] oozes with simple truths about what makes for a healthy and loving marriage .
Told in parable and beautiful story form, this book challenges us to take to heart what it means to be intentional in our marriage." --Julie Sibert, author of the Intimacy in Marriage Blog.