Frontmatter i Contents vii Acknowledgments xi Introduction 1 Introduction 11 1.1 Elements and Matter 11 1.2 Aristoxenus' Elements of Music 17 1.3 Transmission and Reception 21 1.4 Elements, Letters, Notes 28 Introduction 37 2.1 Dissonant Material 37 2.2 Sound and Composition 43 2.3 Given or Constructed? 51 2.
4 Timbre, Noise, and Language 60 Introduction 69 3.1 Material and Modernity 70 3.2 Taking Place 75 3.3 Aperiodic Rhythms 87 3.4 Quasiperiodic Forms 96 Introduction 113 4.1 Pitched Bodies 114 4.2 Sounds without Bodies 119 4.3 Reference 122 4.
4 Agent and Reproducibility 125 4.5 Sonocentrism 128 Introduction 133 5.1 Bodies without Sound 133 5.2 Composing a Gesture 139 Conclusions 159 List of Works 165 Abbreviations 169 Reference List 171.