Radar Systems Analysis and Design Using MATLAB
Radar Systems Analysis and Design Using MATLAB
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Author(s): Mahafza, Bassem R.
ISBN No.: 9781584885320
Pages: 664
Year: 200503
Format: Trade Cloth (Hard Cover)
Price: $ 154.51
Status: Out Of Print

PREFACE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS RADAR FUNDAMENTALS Radar Classifications Range Range Resolution Doppler Frequency Coherence The Radar Equation Low PRF Radar Equation High PRF Radar Equation Surveillance Radar Equation Radar Equation with Jamming Self-Screening Jammers Stand-Off Jammers Range Reduction Factor Bistatic Radar Equation Radar Losses Noise Figure MATLAB Program Listings Problems SIGNAL PROCESSING Signal and System Classifications The Fourier Transform The Fourier Series Convolution and Correlation Integrals Energy and Power Spectrum Densities Random Variables Multivariate Gaussian Distribution Random Processes Sampling Theorem The Z-Transform The Discrete Fourier Transform Discrete Power Spectrum Windowing Techniques Useful Tables and Formulas Problems CONTINUOUS WAVE AND PULSED RADARS Functional Block Diagram CW Radar Equation Frequency Modulation Linear FM (LFM) CW Radar Multiple Frequency CW Radar Pulsed Radar Range and Doppler Ambiguities Resolving Range Ambiguity Resolving Doppler Ambiguity MATLAB Program "range_calc.m" Problems RADAR DETECTION Detection in the Presence of Noise Probability of False Alarm Probability of Detection Pulse Integration Detection of Fluctuating Targets Probability of Detection Calculation Detection of Swerling V Targets Detection of Swerling I Targets Detection of Swerling II Targets Detection of Swerling III Targets Detection of Swerling IV Targets The Radar Equation Revisited Cumulative Probability of Detection Constant False Alarm Rate MATLAB Program Listings Problems RADAR WAVEFORMS Low Pass, Band Pass Signals, and Quadrature Components The Analytic Signal CW and Pulsed Waveforms Linear Frequency Modulation Waveforms High Range Resolution Stepped Frequency Waveforms MATLAB Program Listings Problems MATCHED FILTER AND THE RADAR AMBIGUITY FUNCTION The Matched Filter SNR The Replica Matched Filter Response to LFM Waveforms Waveform Resolution and Ambiguity The Radar Ambiguity Function Examples of the Radar Ambiguity Function LFM Ambiguity Function Coherent Pulse Train Ambiguity Function Ambiguity Diagram Contours Frequency Coding (Costs Codes) Binary Phase Codes Frank Codes Pseudo-Random (PRN) Codes MATLAB Program Listings Problems PULSE COMPRESSION Time-Bandwidth Product Radar Equation with Pulse Compression LFM Pulse Compression Correlation Processor Stretch Processor Distortion Due to Target Velocity Range and Doppler Coupling MATLAB Program Listings Problems RADAR WAVE PROPAGATION Earth Atmosphere Refraction Four-Third Earth Model Ground Reflection The Pattern Propagation Factor Diffraction Atmospheric Attenuation Problems CLUTTER AND MOVING TARGET INDICATOR (MTI) Clutter Definition Surface Clutter Volume Clutter Clutter Statistical Models Clutter Spectrum Moving Target Indicator (MTI) Single Delay Line Canceler Double Delay Line Canceler Delay Lines with Feedback (Recursive Filters) PRF Staggering MTI Improvement Factor Subclutter Visibility Delay Line Cancelers with Optimal Weights MATLAB Program Listings Problems RADAR ANTENNAS Directivity, Power Gain, and Effective Aperture Near and Far Fields General Arrays Linear Arrays Planar Arrays Array Scan Loss Conventional Beamforming MATLAB Program Listings Problems TARGET TRACKING Single Target Tracking . Angle Tracking . Amplitude Comparison Monopulse . Phase Comparison Monopulse . Range Tracking Multiple Target Tracking . Track-While-Scan (TWS) . State Variable Representation of an LTI System .

The LTI System of Interest . Fixed-Gain Tracking Filters . The Kalman Filter . MATLAB Program and Function Listings . Problems SYNTHETIC APERTURE RADAR Introduction Real Versus Synthetic Arrays Side Looking SAR Geometry SAR Design Considerations SAR Radar Equation SAR Signal Processing Side Looking SAR Doppler Processing SAR Imaging Using Doppler Processing Range Walk A Three-Dimensional SAR Imaging Technique Case Study Array in Sequential Mode Operation MATLAB Programs Problems RADAR CROSS SECTION (RCS) RCS Definition Dependency on Aspect Angle and Frequency RCS Dependency on Polarization RCS of Simple Objects Simplistic Approach to Calculating the RCS of Complex Objects RCS Fluctuation and Statistical Models RCS Prediction Methods Computational Electromagnetics Finite Difference Time Domain Method Finite Element Method Integral Equations Geometric Optics Physical Optics Edge Diffraction Multiple Bounce Problems MATLAB PROGRAMS AND FUNCTIONS NAME LIST BIBLIOGRAPHY INDEX.

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