Preface. List of Commands. List of Tables. List of Figures. 1: Introduction. 1.1. Numerical Modeling with Finite Element Analysis.
1.2. Constitutive Relations. 1.3. Failure Prediction. 1.4.
References. 2: Thermomechanical Fatigue Life Prediction Analysis. 2.1. Approach. 2.2. Analysis Steps.
2.3. Case Study: BGA-Type Package. 2.4. References. 3: Mechanical Bending Fatigue Life Prediction Analysis. 3.
1. Approach. 3.2. Analysis Steps. 3.3. Case Study: BGA-Type Package.
3.4. References. 4: Macro Reference Library. 4.1. Overview. 4.
2. Preprocessor. 4.3. Solution. 4.4. Postprocessing.
4.5. References. Appendix A: Installation and Execution. A.1: Steps for ReliANS Installation on a PC Platform. A.2: Steps for Adding Working Directories for Use in ReliANS.
A.3: Demonstration of ReliANS Installation and Adding New Directories. A.4: Installation of ReliANS on UNIX Systems. Appendix B: Input Listings for Case Studies. B.1: Input Listing for the Case Study Given in Chapter 2. B.
2: Input Listing for the Case Study Given in Chapter 3. Index.