Preface xi Carolina Feliciana Machado and J Paulo Davim Chapter 1 We the Engineers and Them the Managers 1 Teresa Carla Trigo Oliveira and João Fontes Da Costa 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Identities and values: the self and the other 4 1.3 Symmetries, asymmetries and career dynamics 7 1.4 Evolving identities and professional reference groups 9 1.5 Protean or boundaryless careers 11 1.6 Dialectics, dilemmas and career choices 14 1.7 Case study, sample and data analysis 16 1.
8 Results 17 Chapter 2 Strategic Capabilities for Successful Engagement in Proactive CSR in Small and Medium Enterprises: A Resource-Based View Approach 37 Nuttaneeya (Ann) Torugsa and Wayne O''Donohue 2.1 Introduction - CSR and SMEs 38 2.2 The resource-based view approach to business strategy 41 2.3 Proactive CSR in SMEs 45 2.4 Capabilities for proactive CSR in SMEs 50 2.5 Conceptual model for successful engagement in proactive CSR in SMEs 57 2.6 Conclusion 58 2.7 Bibliography 60 Chapter 3 Innovative Management Development in the Automotive Supply Industry - A Preliminary Case Study for the Development of an Innovative Approach to Innovation Management 69 Frank EP Dievernich and Kim Oliver Tokarski 3.
1 Introduction 69 3.2 Innovation 71 3.3 Case study 74 3.4 Reflection as a key to innovative management development 87 3.5 Further research issues 87 3.6 Bibliography 89 Chapter 4 Innovative Product Design and Development through Online Customization 93M Reza Abdi and Vipin Khanna 4.1 Introduction 94 4.2 Mass customization and reconfigurable products for E-PD 96 4.
3 The empirical research design 101 4.4 Case of Indian office furniture sector 103 4.5 Data analysis 109 4.6 Discussions and further analysis using PESTLE 114 4.7 Conclusions 119 4.8 Bibliography 120 4.9 Appendix 123 Chapter 5 Struggling for Survival and Success: Can Brazil''s Defense Industry Help Foster Innovation? 127 Alex Lôbo Carlos and Regina Maria De Oliveira Leite 5.1 Introduction 128 5.
2 Innovation as a driver for success and its common hurdles 129 5.3 Offset agreements: concepts and applications 133 5.4 How exactly is Brazil using offsets to overcome the major obstacles to innovation? 137 5.5 Some methodological considerations and empirical results 139 5.6 Conclusion 150 5.7 Bibliography 152 Chapter 6 Knowledge Management Fostering Innovation: Balancing Practices and Enabling Contexts 155 Maria João Santos and Raky Wane 6.1 Introduction 155 6.2 Knowledge management and innovation 158 6.
3 KM practices fostering innovation: what practices? 161 6.4 Enabling factors/organizational context 167 6.5 Innovation performance 171 6.6 Conclusion 173 6.7 Bibliography 175 Chapter 7 Institutional Logics Promoting and Inhibiting Innovation 179 Teresa Carla Trigo Oliveira and Stuart Holland 7.1 Introduction 179 7.2 Innovation from Schumpeter to Nonaka 182 7.3 Institutional logics 184 7.
4 Socio-cognitive and institutional logics 186 7.5 Big leap innovation: Fordism 187 7.6 Small step innovation: post-Fordism 188 7.7 Social and psychological contracts 192 7.8 Inertial organizational logic 195 7.9 Inertial operational logic 197 7.10 Conflicting operational logics 199 7.11 Operational logic and learning 200 7.
12 Conclusion 204 7.13 Future research directions 205 7.14 Bibliography 206 7.15 Further recommended reading 212 Chapter 8 HRM in SMEs in Portugal: An Innovative Proposal of Characterization 217 Pedro Ribeiro Novo De Melo and Carolina Feliciana Machado 8.1 Introduction 217 8.2 SMEs 218 8.3 HRM 222 8.4 HRM in SMEs 225 8.
5 Methodology 228 8.6 Results 230 8.7 Characterization proposal of HRM in Portuguese SMEs 234 8.8 Conclusions 239 8.9 Bibliography 239 List of Authors 243 Index 245.