Pirate Jack and his crew which includes Buccaneer Ricky Drivens, Timmy Sword, and a parakeet named Screwy set out on a journey to the Caribbean from West Africa in search of buried treasure. However, they end up on a different Caribbean island from the one intended by a mysterious storm that leaves their ship in pieces. Captain Jack and the crew explore the mysterious island and in their search they find treasure. They all imagine what they will do with the treasure. They all debate who should get the treasure. They start to fight and fight for hours without either giving up. The treasure drives them crazy and the parakeet Screwy realizes this and tells his crew. After listening they all agree the bird is right.
They decide to leave the treasure behind in the river and sail to Asia. But the miserable and mean Pirate Jack learns an important lesson. What important lesson does he learn? Read the story to find out.