Work is tough. No matter what you do or where you do it, difficult situations are always likely to arise. The true test of a professional is how you respond to those difficult and stressful moments in the office. Do you react negatively, making the situation worse? Or do you respond positively and change the situation to your benefit? In her previous book, Toxic People, Marsha Petrie Sue showed you how to deal with even the most difficult coworkers. Now, in The Reactor Factor , she illustrates how to positively manage every other kind of difficult office situation. Combining her proven lessons on accountability with interviews with successful business leaders, she helps you turn negative situations into positive business results while maximizing your own professional success. This practical career guide gives you the tools to respond with calm, positive action to even the most negative situations. You'll learn how to: Positively manage spoiled brats, entitled coworkers, and employees Defuse rumors and navigate the rough waters of office politics Understand and benefit from social networking Dish out positive action rather than negative blame Reduce or eliminate resistance to change Disarm those who challenge your ideas and suggestions Encourage personal responsibility and maximum effort from colleagues and subordinates In addition, The Reactor Factor guides you through the ongoing process of professional development for long-term success.
Not only does it help you hone the skills you need to manage difficult situations, it also shows you how to package and market your skills to fit your company's needs, achieve goals that will make you stand out, and focus on your strengths while mitigating your weaknesses. Turn the negative into the positive with this real-world guide that shows you how to conquer every challenge on your way to unlimited success.