Q&a Equity and Trusts 2010 And 2011
Q&a Equity and Trusts 2010 And 2011
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Author(s): Luxton, Peter
Wilkie, Margaret
ISBN No.: 9780199579112
Pages: 296
Year: 201003
Format: Trade Paper
Price: $ 22.82
Status: Out Of Print

No matter how good your research and study skills, the ultimate test for the law student is the exam. In a sea of revision it can be difficult to keep your head above water, but the more preparation you do, the better equipped you will be. OUP's Questions and Answers series gives you the opportunity to practise exam technique and evaluate and assess your progress. Each book in the series is like a lifeline, offering guidance on exactly what the examiners are looking for. With advice on how answers should be structured and the key points to convey, the Q & As will benefit even the best-prepared student. Each Q & A is written by experienced law lecturers and examiners with both undergraduate courses and the GDL in mind. The authors provide model answers to up to 50 essay-based and problem-based questions. This established and popular guide has helped thousands of students achieve exam success in this complex area of law.

The 7th edition has been thoroughly revised to take into account all recent developments in the law, such as the House of Lords' decisions in Yeoman's Row Management Limited v Cobbe (2008) and Thorner v Major (2009). Book jacket.

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