The Law of Charities
The Law of Charities
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Author(s): Luxton, Peter
ISBN No.: 9780198267836
Pages: 1,082
Year: 200106
Format: Trade Cloth (Hard Cover)
Price: $ 648.60
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available (On Demand)

'Offers a valuable discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of establishing the charitable status . The Law of Charities provides a comprehensive and interesting study, adequately case-quoted and foot-noted. This text will add value to both professional and academic libraries.'International Trade and Business Law Annual'the real value is the thorough explanation of the principles behind charity law. Having read Luxton on a relevant topic, you will not only be able to explain a key issue to a charity, but you will be able to explain why the law works in that way. it is certainly the kind of book to know about and to be able to consult when major questions arise.'Gareth Morgan, Independent Examiner Vol 4 No. 1, Spring 2002'a work of real quality and of enduring appeal.

an impressive volume. As well as an attractive and uncluttered style the author has a mastery of the relevant detail and the important principle. comprehensive and comprehensible, scholarly and scholastic, principled and practical. It is, quite simply, an essential exposition of the law of charities for the twenty-first century.'The Conveyancer, March/April 2002'Professor Luxton's new book presents an exciting prospect to those charity and other lawyers seeking a framework upon which to begin, develop or deepen an approach through the morass that is the present law relating to charities . this work is more than an extensive guidebook. Professor Luxton's fresh analytical approach works . a wide-ranging work that straddles the two markets of academic analysis and a reference source.

The achievement is thatdiverse audiences will get what they want in this book . a clear, concise and straightforward critique of the current law as it affects charities and (or) a thought-provoking analysis of the state of the law as identified through specific themes which can be drawn out at the reader's wish. All willfind a book that demonstrates a genuine commitment to unravelling the law of charities and to taking the jurisprudence forward. In addition it is a thoroughly enjoyable read.'Law Quarterly Review, 1 April 2002': . thoughtfully and skillfully presented .'Solicitors Journal, 29 June 2001'Peter Luxton and his helpers are to be congratulated on the successful completion of a massive task'Solicitors Journal vol145 No25.

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