We live in a rapidly changing world and the job market is no exception. New technologies, increasing automation and the growth of artificial intelligence systems are eliminating some jobs at the same time that they're driving the need for workers who can fill job openings in new fields.Studies indicate that there are actually more jobs available right now than there are people looking for work. The problem is that too many workers are trained in jobs that are becoming obsolete and we need to find ways to re-train them, to provide them with the skills they need for the changing job market. However, re-training by itself, without a specific job offer waiting when the re-training is over, has had very limited success.Re-training in a new field can provide you with the general background you need, but in most cases when you start interviewing for a job opening you're also going to run into the need for "experience" in your new field. Potential employers usually look to hire someone who actually has work experience related to the particular job opening they're looking to fill. Apprenticeships may be the answer - learning new skills while you're getting paid on-the-job training aimed at a specific job, with an excellent chance at becoming a full time employee once your apprenticeship is over.
Also, there are whole new types of apprenticeship programs today,such as advanced manufacturing, information technology, finance and healthcare, in addition to the traditional craft apprenticeships. If you're looking for a better paying job or if you need re-training to start a new career and need to be paid while you're learning, apprenticeships may be your answer.