"Jewish Law as Rebellion is unconventional and controversial in its approach to the world of Jewish Law and its response to religious crises. The book delves into the contemporary application and development of halacha and pointedly protests many accepted methods and ideals, offering new solutions to existing halachic dilemmas. Rabbi Cardozo discusses hot topics such as same-sex marriage, conversion, and religion in the State of Israel and presents a critical analysis and explanation of the application of halacha"--"An unconventional approach to Jewish Law in its modern manifestations and how it responds to religious crises. Rebelling against the rabbinical establishment, the author takes it to task for failing to liberate Halacha from its state of stagnancy and confinement, and proposes how to recapture the invigorating spirit of Jewish Law"--.
Jewish Law As Rebellion : A Plea for Religious Authenticity and Halachic Courage