I was a family law lawyer for 10 years. Then I worked for a year in New Mexico on a pilot project as a prosecutor for the state, county, city, and the Navajo nation. DUIs are a priority and large problem there. This position was challenging because many people don't like change. The Navajo are a sovereign nation with different laws and customs than the state.My other full-time job for the past 10 years has been maintaining 3 of the top websites on different aspects of consciousness. Near Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF) studies the near death experience. www.
nderf.org . We have thousands of people who have submitted their experiences from all over the world. We also have over 250 translators who have translated major portions of the website into over 20 different languages in an ongoing effort to share the message of love, peace and unity with the world.The other two websites are After Death Communication Research Foundation (ADCRF) where people submit their after death communication experiences for study. www.adcrf.org The Out of Body Research Foundation (OBERF) studies everything else that is not a NDE or an ADC, such as out of body experiences, power of prayer, spiritually transformative events and much more.
www.oberf.org Between all the websites it is fascinating to discover the vast expanse of the human psyche!In my spare time, one of my hobbies is jewelry making. www.jewelrybyjody.com. This is my place of "flow" where creativity meets spirit. I found that I had so many necklaces, that I needed to put them on a website for sale.
That way the hobby can continue to fund more of the hobby :) I also enjoy working with my dog - Zara. She's a 2 year old Neapolitan mastiff trained for search and rescue.