This 496-page publication is a transcription of Stewart County, Tennessee election records for the period 1804-1879. Over 35,000 names of voters and elected officials are included. The primary sources of the transcribed records are original election returns, created in each of the county's 12 civil districts, in a total of 89 local, state and national elections between 1840 and 1879. These returns were prepared and signed by district election Judges and Clerks, showing the names of each voter participating in each election. Additionally, election results from the county's State Militia elections for the period 1804-1840 are included in this book. Election returns are a great complement to census records, as they can document a person's residence in the county between census years. They are also a great complement to tax records, which largely survive for the county: many people who voted in elections are not found in the county's surviving tax records, and for the time period covered by this book, the payment of a poll tax was not a requirement in order to be able to vote in an election. Additionally, election records survive for years in which the county's tax records do not, namely 1813-1826, 1844, 1845 and 1867-1876.
Stewart County, Tennessee Election Records, 1804-1879