The Mermaid with No Tail
The Mermaid with No Tail
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Author(s): Long, Jessica
O'Callaghan, Jessica Long, Airin
ISBN No.: 9781649630933
Pages: 32
Year: 202309
Format: Trade Cloth (Hard Cover)
Price: $ 27.59
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

A mermaid without a tail wants to compete in the Mermaid Games. With determination, support, and lots of practice, she carries the day. Dive into this illustrated picture book, where a mermaid with no tail decides she wants to compete in the Mermaid Games. The other mermaids make fun of her for being different. But her adoptive turtle parents are supportive and encouraging, and her shark coach Phelpsy teaches her to swim using her arms. The mermaid trains hard, maintains a good attitude, and eventually wins the games. The Mermaid with No Tail is inspired by the life of Jessica Long. Jessica was adopted from a Russian orphanage when she was a baby and grew up in Baltimore.

She was born with fibular hemimelia. Her legs were amputated below the knee when she was 18 months old so she could be fitted with prosthetic legs and learn how to walk. A real-world Paralympic swimmer, Jessica is one of the most decorated American athletes of all time.

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