Jessica Long first swam competitively at age 10. At 12, she earned three gold medals for the U.S. Paralympic Team in Athens, Greece and has since competed in 3 more Paralympic Games amassing 13 gold medals and 23 total along the way. Jessica has established herself as a positive young role model and reputable spokesperson for many worldwide brands and honorable causes. During prime-time airing of the 2014 Sochi Olympic Games, NBC Sports featured "Long Way Home" chronicling Jessica's story--from her birth with fibular hemimelia, placement in a Siberian orphanage, adoption by U.S. parents, early health struggles, rise to world-class athlete, and return to Russia to meet her birth parents.
This emotional and very public experience of meeting her family for the first time gave rise to a period of significant personal growth for Jessica, and also helped create a swell of interest in U.S. and International Paralympic organizations. Follow Jessica on Twitter at @JessicaLong and on Instagram @jessicatatianalong.