At 35, Christopher Long is a relatively young writer to the world of horror. But when you read his writing, you realise he is beyond his years. He has the horror and torment of a million tortured souls in his work.Dark, supernatural stories are his life blood. His first shocking novella, The Compressionist, is a scary tale about a man that feeds on the very life force of people and has done since the dawn of time. It was published by Kensington Gore Publishing in early Spring of 2014.His second novella, The Final Restoration of Wendell Pruce,& h is third novella, The Narrow Doors, were also published.Then all three were released as part of a novel length collection, Christopher Long's Unusual Things.
These books and three further novellas - The Beast Of Belfield, The Count Of Three, and The Wooden Walls, Christopher Long's Unusual Things volume 2 and the Righteous Judges were all published in 2015 as part of Kensington Gore's Hammered Horror book series. His debut novel Something Needs Bleeding, and ground breaking novel where he has edited the last stories of mysterious horror writer Thomas Singer is a horror tour de force.A further two novels are in the pipeline, or sewer pipe in Christopher Long's case. Then there's The Gaugers, a novel that's co-written with horror leg end Kensington Gore. This promises to be a dark horror story about alien monsters that hunt us down and feed off our eyes.Christopher Long has been writing stories since he was first able to hold a pen. Reportedly his first book collection, Tales From The Crib, would scare any nursery school or kindergarten.It all began for Chris when someone gave him their copy of Roald Dahl's James and the Giant Peach, and he hasn't looked back since.
If only in fear that someone's going to hit him with the library late returns fee.For Chris, stories are a means of escape. Not always to a place your average person or writer would go, but a dark, scary place that Chris feels most at home. The dark places that are in all our minds.He is happily married to the lovely Samantha, or "Her Highness" as she likes to be called. They live in the midlands of England, which is a bit like Tolkien's Middle Earth, but with just a few less Orcs! And where Sam refuses to let Chris read her his bedtime stories, as he told her one once and she didn't sleep for a month.