Revised and Updated! Extensively updated coverage throughout- including new women''s health information on contraception, commonly occurring infections, health promotion, menopause, gynecologic cancers, polycystic ovarian syndrome and pelvic relaxation, genetics/genomics, breast cancer during pregnancy, and much more Prepares students to apply the latest knowledge and standards of care as they work with women and families New! Health Promotion Education features-focusing on the teaching that nurses do at all stages of pregnancy and the childbearing process, including crucial postpartum teaching done before and immediately after discharge Helps student integrate health promotion and health maintenance into the care for women and childbearing families in all birthing and community settings Shows students how to empower patients in their own health promotion New! Professionalism in Practice features-focusing on topics such as legal and ethical considerations, contemporary nursing practice issues, professional accountability, patient advocacy, and home and community care considerations Supports students in achieving the level of professionalism required in contemporary healthcare settings Helps students master professionalism topics that are a key component of the Essentials of Baccalaureate Nursing Education Improved! Research Evidence in Practice boxes- relating research evidence to women''s health and maternal-newborn nursing, discussing clinical situations and typical nursing practice, identifying current research that supports or fails to support these practices, and encouraging students to think more critically Helps students understand the use of reliable information to plan and provide effective care Helps students participate in evidence-based care initiatives, and effectively incorporate new evidence in their care decisions New! Clinical Judgment case studies and Critical Thinking questions- presenting brief scenarios and requiring students to determine the appropriate responses Helps students hone their critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills, both of which are key components of the Essentials of Baccalaureate Nursing Edication. Updated! Learning Outcomes- now reflect the revised Bloom''s taxonomy Promotes deeper learning and more active thinking New! Photos in chapter-opening vignettes- adding more realism and visual interest Helps engage students from the beginning of each chapter New! Nearly 100 new lifelike obstetric illustrations- clarifying body systems and behavior Gives students a clearer understanding of obstetric concepts Improved! Special attention to AACN competencies- identified in the AACN''s Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice Systematically prepares students participating in Baccalaureate programs New! New chapter on Childbirth at Risk: Prelabor Complications- providing a more extended discussion of the impact of pregestational physiologic and pathophysiologic conditions More thoroughly prepares students to care for women experiencing prelabor complications New! Four new nursing plans- covering Epidural Anesthesia, Hemorrhage in the Third Trimester and at Birth, A Woman With Engorgement, and Induction of Labor Offers complete, easy-to-use reference material for a wider range of common scenarios New! Caring for women and mothers with intellectual disabilities- added in three chapters Helps students respond to the special needs of women and mothers with intellectual disabilities Updated! Revised coverage of complementary and alternative therapies- in a separate chapter as well as in intra-chapter CAM content Provides up-to-date, evidence-based resources for providing (or answering questions about) complementary and alternative therapies New! Coverage of maternal death- incorporated in a full chapter on Grief and Loss in the Childbearing Family Helps students prepare for partnering with women and their families for all outcomes, including painful losses Guides students in finding authentic ways to support grieving families.
Olds' Maternal-Newborn Nursing and Women's Health : Across the Lifespan