"Detective Jonah Sheens is enjoying a moment of peace in a pub garden on his day off when a teenage girl wanders out of the woods. Shes striking, with flame-red hair and a pale complexion. Shes also covered in blood. When Jonah races to help, the girl insists shes fine. Then she smiles. Its her sister he needs to worry about. Keely and her sister, Nina, disappeared from a childrens home a week ago. Now, Keely is here - but Ninas still missing.
Jonah is sure Keely knows where her sister is - but before she tells him anything, she insists hes going to have to listen to her story from the beginning. Is she killer, witness, or victim? And if Jonah follows the trail of clues in her story, will they lead him to the missing girl - or distract him until its too late?"--.