Title PageDedicationIllustration CreditsEpigraphForeword by Carl Hester MBEWhy I Wrote this BookAcknowledgementsIntroduction1. BalanceQuestions and Answers2. The Aids for ImpulsionForward and Straight3. Rein AidsAsk and Give; Direct Flexion and Stretch4. The Role of the Inside Rein and Inside LegLateral Flexion and Bend5. The Role of the Outside ReinEngagement and Co-ordination6. The Role of the Outside LegEngagement and Canter Transitions7. The Weight Aids of the SeatCollection, Halt, Half-halt and Rein-back8.
The Indirect AidsShoulder-in, Travers and Half-pass9. Changing the BalanceLengthening and Extension10. Refining the Weight AidsFlying Changes11. The Higher AirsThe Aids of the Upper Body; Piroutte, Piaffe and Passage12. One-Handed RidingAnd Finessing the Reins13. Perfect Balance in All ThingsThoughts for the FutureSchool ExercisesChapter by ChapterReferencesIndex.