Forover one hundred years, Pomeroy's was a beloved household name for the shoppersof central and eastern Pennsylvania. Founded in 1876, the store began underanother name in Reading and soon expanded to Harrisburg, Pottsville andWilkes-Barre. George Pomeroy bought out his partners in 1923, and Pomeroy'sbecame known for its exemplary service and a devoted sales force. From theextraordinary window displays and the annual Christmas parade to a bite at theTea Room, the stores were a social hub where sweethearts first met and familiesdid their Saturday shopping. Though the final stores closed in 1990, thememories live on. Department store historian Michael Lisicky chronicles thehistory of Pomeroy's and takes readers back in time with reminiscences offormer employees, interviews with store insiders and a selection of classicrecipes.
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