Michelle Lindo-Rice enjoys crafting women's fiction with themes centered around the four "F" words: Faith, Friendship, Family and Forgiveness. She was nominated for Author of the Year 2014 in Building Relationships Around Books book club. Michelle's first published work, Sing A New Song, was a Black Expressions Editor's Choice featured selection. My Steps Are Ordered, the second book in the "On the Right Path" series made the AALBC bestseller lists on May/June 2014 and August/September 2014. Originally from Jamaica West Indies, Michelle Lindo-Rice calls herself a lifelong learner. She has earned degrees from New York University, SUNY at Stony Brook,Teachers College Columbia University and Argosy University, A pastor's kid, Michelle upholds the faith, preaching, teaching and ministering through praise and worship. Feel free to connect with her at michellelindorice.comHer published books are:Sing a New Song (Feb.
2013) This was featured as an Editor's Choice in Black Expressions Book Club.Walk a Straight Line (Jan. 2014)Color Blind (May 2014)My Steps are Ordered (Aug. 2014)Unbound Hearts (Dec. 2014)The Fall of the Prodigal (Jan. 2015)My Soul Then Sings (Sept. 2015)You can read her testimony, learn about her books, PLEASE join her mailing list, or read a sample chapter at michellelindorice.comConnect with her on Facebook or Twitter (@mlindorice), Tumblr, Google +, YouTube, StumbledUpon, GoodreadsMichelle's blog: michellelindorice.