1. An Overview of the 2016 Mw 7.1 Kumamoto Earthquake 2. Outline of Coseismic Surface Rupture 2.1.Terminology of Coseismic Surface Rupture 2.2. Distribution of Coseismic Surface Ruptures and Displacements 2.
2.1. Southwest-Central Segments 2.2.2. Northeast Segment 3. Structural Features of Coseismic Surface Ruptures 3.1.
Southwest and Central Sgments < 3.1.1. Coseismic Strike-Slip Faults 3.1.2. Coseismic Conjugate Riedel Shear Structures 3.1.
3. Mole Tracks and Coseismic Flexures 3.1.4. Earthquake-Induced Liquefaction 3.2. Coseismic Surface Ruptures Along Newly Identified Faults 3.3.
Northeast Segment--Inside the Aso Caldera 3.3.1. Coseismic Graben Structures 3.3.2. Coseismic Ruptures Crosscut Volcanic Cones 4. Trenches on Seismogenic Faults 5.
Destruction of Buildings and Construction.