Introduction (2 pages) Chapter 1: Getting Started - 20 pages 1. Setting up our development environment - Git, Git repository, Svelte, editor, etc 2. Exploring the basic principles of using Svelte - a primer only: enough to give beginners something to work on 3. Setting up the starting site for the book 4. Reviewing the changes made 5. Setting the background for this book Chapter 2: Creating Components - 30 pages 1. Understanding the makeup of components 2. Creating some examples 3.
Publishing examples 4. X 5. Adding functionality to the frontend demo Chapter 3: Managing State and Data - 30 pages 1. Passing and setting values in code 2. Exploring the world of props 3. Creating and maintaining Svelte stores 4. X 5. Adding functionality to the frontend demo Chapter 4: Controlling Logic - 30 pages 1.
Creating if-else conditions 2. Working through some examples 3. X 4. X 5. Adding functionality to the frontend demo Chapter 5: Managing Events - 35 pages 1. The theory of reactivity - updating the DOM 2. Different event types - which to choose? 3. X 4.
X 5. Adding functionality to the frontend demo Chapter 6: Binding Elements - 30 pages 1. Creating forms in Svelte 2. Binding and managing events 3. Catering for different form elements 4. Managing context 5. Adding functionality to the frontend demo Chapter 7: Adding Styles - 20 pages 1. Understanding styling in Svelte 2.
Inlining or external? 3. Taking it further - using a style preprocessor 4. Applying themes - using a plugin or manually 5. Adding functionality to the frontend demo Chapter 8: Unit Testing and Svelte - 30 pages 1. Deciding our strategy 2. Setting up testing environment 3. Creating example tests 4. Assessing the outcome 5.
Applying principles to our project Chapter 9: Deploying Svelte - 30 pages 1. Debugging Svelte 2. Understanding the deployment process 3. Setting up the hosting provider 4. Deploying content to production 5. Bonus - applying a domain name Chapter 10: Working with External Libraries - 30 pages 1. Exploring example libraries 2. Working client-side v.
server-side - watch out! 3. Adding Stripe to our frontend site project 4. Reviewing the changes made 5. What about React? Chapter 11: Animating Svelte - 30 pages 1. Auditing the site - how could we use animation? 2. A quick review of types of animation options 3. Working through some examples 4. Creating custom animations 5.
Using Svelte libraries 6. Applying animation to our frontend project Chapter 12: Adapting for Sapper - 20 pages 1. Introducing Sapper 2. Setting up a Sapper site 3. Exploring the structure of a Sapper site 4. Migrating our frontend project to Sapper Appendix: API Reference (15 pages) - its inclusion to be confirmed This section will cover guidance on where to seek help when using Svelte if needed and how to debug Svelte.