Wang Li is currently Professor and Deputy Director at UNESCO International Research and Training Centre for Rural Education (INRULED) in Beijing, China. Originally qualifying as an engineer in the area of water resources, then studied at United Nations University (UNU) in Geothermal Utilization, and then did his PhD in Comparative Study from Australia. He was employed by the Agricultural University of Hebei as a teaching assistant; then lecturer, Associate Professor and full Professor in 1995. In 1994 he was one of the persons responsible for setting up the UNESCO International Research and Training Centre for Rural Education (INRULED). In 1996, after consultation with UNESCO headquarters, he was appointed by the Chinese Government as Deputy Director of INRULED in charge of Research, Training, Information and Exchange programs. His areas of interest include Rural Education and Rural Development, Adult Education and Lifelong Learning, Water Resources, Rural and Town Planning and Geothermal Utilisation. He has also held the UNESCO Chair on Literacy and Adult Education and Training since 1995. He has contributed to more than 60 books and papers, undertaken about 50 international research projects and organised/participated in more than 100 international conferences, symposia, forums, and workshops.
Wang Li has represented INRULED and Chinese Ministry of Commerce in projects in Cambodia and Pakistan and in many international conferences, forums and meetings.