Among Wolves Bible Study Book is an eight-session study that includes individual-study opportunities for each day of the week, applicable Scripture, "How to Use This Study," and group-discussion guides. Our world is changing. Cultures are colliding. Our cities and neighborhoods are brimming with vibrant diversity. And while communities may have embraced this change, many churches have not. In Matthew 10, Jesus challenged His disciples by telling them, "Behold, I am sending you out as sheep among wolves." And He is calling us to do the same--to make disciples wherever we live, work, and play. Among Wolves is an eight-week Bible study about disciple-making in the city.
This Bible study explores eight movements in the Book of Matthew that help create cultures of disciple-making in our changing environments. This resource is a field guide to help you discover God's vision for your family, develop a strategy for discipleship, and deploy to the mission field that is your neighborhood. The aims of Among Wolves are fourfold: 1. Gospel Centered Among Wolves aims to help participants develop a deeper devotion for the person and work of Christ through His Word. Throughout the Bible Study Book , we will allow the Gospel of Matthew to be our guide. This gospel begins with the burden to establish God's tangible presence and ends with a confirmation of His presence and commission to continue the family's business. 2. Local Church Based Among Wolves aims to equip participants to make disciples within the context of the local church.
Urban practitioners will develop an understanding of the identity of the church as family, allowing that to shape the activities of their local gathering. This concept can be applied in multiple contexts, such as Bible study groups, missional communities, and small groups--anywhere you seek to co-labor with other believers. 3. Disciple Making Oriented Among Wolves aims to equip participants to see disciple-making not as a ministry but as the ministry of the local church. 4. Urban Focused Among Wolves aims to help participants navigate the beauty and complexity, the density and diversity that city life brings. Features: - Biblically rooted and gospel-centered content - Eight small-group sessions that walk through disciple-making in the Gospel of Matthew - Individual-study opportunities for ongoing spiritual growth - Group and personal components Benefits: - Develop a better understanding of discipleship as Jesus taught us. - Discover the blueprint for disciple-making in the Gospel of Matthew.
- Acquire a discipleship strategy applicable to families. - Learn to navigate today's diversity for the sake of disciple-making. - Equip yourself to make disciples in an urban context.