Y Treigladur : A Checklist of Welsh Mutations
Y Treigladur : A Checklist of Welsh Mutations
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Author(s): Lewis, D. Geraint
Lewis, Geraint D.
ISBN No.: 9781859024805
Pages: 96
Year: 202108
Format: Trade Paper
Price: $ 18.63
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

English review follows Dyma un arall o'r llyfrau hylaw a hynod ddefnyddiol hynny y gwelodd D. Geraint Lewis fwlch ar eu cyfer ar ein silffoedd. Yn ei gyflwyniad i'r gyfrol, dywed i'r llyfr hwn ddechrau ei daith yn rhan o ragymadrodd Geiriadur Gomer i'r Ifanc ac 'wrth olrhain y rheolau treiglo, yn arbennig yr eithriadau i'r rheolau hyn, tyfodd y testun y tu hwnt i'r hyn oedd yn addas i eiriadur pobl ifanc'. Mae lle i ddiolch iddo ef, ac i'r sawl a'i hanogodd, am ddarparu'r ymdriniaeth hon ''r treigladau.Beth a geir yn y gyfrol sy'n ei gwneud yn un mor ddefnyddiol? Disgrifiad o'r cytseiniaid sy'n newid dan ddylanwad y treigladau meddal, trwynol a llaes, a rhestr gynhwysfawr o'r geiriau sy'n cael eu dilyn gan dreiglad. Tynnir sylw hefyd at eiriau fel os a pe nad ydynt yn achosi treiglad ond y bydd llawer yn treiglo ar eu hôl yn wallus wrth siarad ac ysgrifennu. Peth cymharol hawdd yw nodi'r geiriau sy'n cael eu dilyn gan dreiglad, er enghraifft, hyd (arddodiad) yn cael ei ddilyn gan y treiglad meddal. Fodd bynnag, nid yw pob rheol mor syml ' hynny.

Ystyrier, er enghraifft, enw sy'n cyflawni swyddogaeth adferf. Bydd hwn yn treiglo'n feddal, er enghraifft, 'Rwy'n mynd f is i heddiw.' Mewn achosion fel hyn, bydd yn rhaid i'r treiglwr ddeall mwy na bod gair b sy'n dilyn gair a yn treiglo! Gan fod cenhedlaeth a mwy bellach wedi colli'r cyfle i ddysgu gramadeg mewn ysgol a choleg, gall hyn fod yn dipyn o broblem. I helpu'r rhai ansicr eu rhannau ymadrodd a'u gramadeg, mae adrannau yn y llyfr sy'n ymdrin ''r dirgelion hynny! Ond gogoniant y gwaith yw mai'r treigladau yw canolbwynt y llyfr.Llyfr hollol ddwyieithog yw hwn, tudalen am dudalen yn y ddwy iaith. Mae'n llyfr anhepgor i ddysgwyr yr iaith, ond nid iddynt hwy yn unig. O gael copi o hwn wrth law, ni fydd esgus gan na gwleidydd na gohebydd ferwino clustiau'r werin ' diffyg treiglo, camdreiglo nac oferdreiglo! Meinir McDonald* * *This is another remarkably useful volume by D. Geraint Lewis.

In his introduction, he mentions that this book started its journey as part of the foreword to Geiriadur Gomer i'r Ifanc . By delving into the rules of the mutations, especially the exceptions to those rules, the text grew beyond what was suitable for a children's dictionary. We must thank him, and to those who encouraged him, for preparing this study of the mutations.What makes this study so useful? A description of the consonants that change under the influence of the soft, nasal and aspirate mutations, and a comprehensive list of words that are followed by a mutation. Attention is also given to words such as os and pe that do not cause a mutation, but which cause many to mutate wrongly when talking or writing.It is a relatively easy task to note words that are followed by a mutation, for example, hyd (preposition) followed by a soft mutation. However, every rule isn't that simple. Consider, for example, a noun that acts as an adverb.

This will mutate softly; for example, 'Rwy'n mynd f is i heddiw'. In such instances, the mutater must understand that it is more complex than simply mutating the word b after word a ! Because a generation or two have missed out on the opportunity of learning grammar at school and at college, this can cause quite a problem. To help those who are unsure of their grammar and parts of speech, there are sections within this book that deals with those mysteries. But the glory of this work is that the mutations are its core subject.This is a totally bilingual book, page for page in both languages. It's an invaluable book for the learner of the Welsh language, but it isn't for them only. By having a copy at hand, the politician and the reporter won't have any excuse for wrong mutations, lack of mutations, nor over-mutation!.

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