ANTHROPOLOGY.1. Introduction to Anthropology.HEREDITY AND EVOLUTION.2. The Development of Evolutionary Theory.3. Heredity and Evolution.
4. Human Variation and Adaptation.5. Macroevolution: Processes of Vertebrate and Mammalian Evolution.PRIMATES.6. An Overview of the Primates.7.
Primate Behavior.PALEOANTHROPOLOGY/FOSSIL HOMININS.8. Understanding the Past: Archaeological and Paleoanthropological Methods.9. Hominin Origins.10. The First Dispersal of the Genus Homo: Homo erectus and Contemporaries.
11. Premodern Humans.12. The Origin and Dispersal of Modern Humans.ARCHAEOLOGY.13. Early Holocene Hunters and Gatherers.14.
Food Production.15. The First Civilizations.Appendix A: Atlas of Primate Skeletal Anatomy.Appendix B: Summary of Early Hominin Fossil Finds from Africa.Appendix C: Population Genetics.