Chapter 1. Introduction: Looking at Treatment Planning Through aDifferent Lens Defining Best Practices Media Overload A New Way of Thinking about Autism Treatment Core Deficits of Autism. How the Book is Organized Why There is Confusion about EBP in Treating ASD Chapter 2. What is Evidence Based Practice? What is So Important ? Common Errors in Evaluating Treatments How Then Can Treatments be Evaluated? History of Evidence Based Practice in Psychology Brief History of EBP as it Pertains to Autism Evolution and Expansion of EBP EBP as it Pertains to Autism Clinical Judgment Autism-Specific vs. Non-Specific Treatments The Evolution of Treatment Models and Terminology Client Voice in What to Treat and How to Treat What is Important to Study? What is Important to Treat? The Role Context in Treatment Selection: Positive and Negative Policy Implications of uses of EBP inAutism Treatments Conclusions and Recommendations Chapter 3. The Individualized, Problem-Solving TreatmentProcess Our Beliefs and Biases The Role of Children?s Emotions The Challenge of Generalization Strengthening Social Connections Step 1: Gather Background Information Step 2. Identify the Problem Step 3. State the Hypothesis, Yours and Others? Step 4.
Review Research Step 5. Design the Treatment Plan Step 6. Evaluate Effectiveness and Generate your ownEvidence Step 7. Redesign the Plan as Needed Chapter 4. Jamal: A Previously Happy PreschoolerDisengages Step 1: Gather Background Information Step 2.Identify the Problem Step 3.State the Hypothesis, Yours and Others Step 4.Review Treatment Approaches Step 5.
Designing the Treatment Plan Step 6.Evaluate Effectiveness and Generate Your own Evidence Step 7: Redesign the Plan as Needed Chapter 5. Katherine: A Nine Year Old Learns to Cope withHew Own Explosive Episodes Step 1: Gather Background Information Step 2: Identify the Problem Step 3: State the Hypothesis, Yours and Others: Step 4.Consider Treatment Approaches Step 5.Design the Treatment Plan Step 6.Evaluate Effectiveness and Generate Your own Evidence Chapter 6. Brandon: Developmental Delays and OCD present a BigChallenge for a Non-verbal Preschooler Step 1. Gather Background Information Step 2.
Identify the Problem Step 3. State the Working Hypothesis, Yours andOthers? Step 4. Review Treatment Approaches Step 5. Design the Treatment Plan Step 6. Evaluate Effectiveness and Generate Your OwnEvidence Step 7. Redesign the Plan as Needed Chapter 7. Raphael: A Happy, Well-Behaved Six Year Old BecomesIncreasingly Rigid Step 1. Gather Background Information Step 2.
Identify the Problem Step 3. State the Hypothesis, Yours and Others? Step 4. Review Treatment Approaches Step 5. Design the Treatment Plan Step 6. Evaluate Effectiveness and Generate Your OwnEvidence Step 7: Redesign the Plan as Needed Chapter 8. Alex: Extreme Mood Dysregulation Interfereswith School and Home Functioning for a Fourth Grader Step 1. Gather Background Information Step 2. Identify the Problem Step 3.
State the Hypothesis, Yours and Others? Step 4. Review Treatment Approaches Step 5. Design the Treatment Plan Step 6. Evaluate Effectiveness and Generate Your OwnEvidence Step 7. Redesign the Plan as Needed Chapter 9. Emily: A Passive Teenager Begins to LearnSelf-help Skills Step 1. Gather Background Information Coping with the Present - Worried about the Future Step 2. Identify the Problem: Step 3.
State the Hypothesis, Yours? and Others? Step 4: Review Treatment Approaches: Step 5. Design the Treatment Plan Step 6. Evaluate Effectiveness and Generate Your Ownevidence Step 7. Redesign the Plan as Needed Chapter 10. Chen A teenager with Aspergers hits bottom,but with help and determination, heads for college Step 1. Gather Backgroun Information Step 2. Identify the problem Step 3. State the Hypothesis, Yours and Others? Step 4.
Review Treatment Approaches Step 5. Design the Treatment Plan Step 6. Evaluate Effectiveness and Generate your ownEvidence Step 7. Redesign the Plan as Needed Chapter 11. Michael, a 10 year old whose behaviors are becomingmore and aggressive and disruptive Step 1. Gather Background Information Step 2. Identify the Problem Step 3. State the Hypothesis, Yours and Others? Step 4.
Review Research Step 5. Design the Treatment Plan Step 6. Evaluate Effectiveness and Generate your ownEvidence Step 7. Redesign the Plan as Needed Chapter 12: Jake: A five year old who has responded wellto Floortime Step 1: Gather Background Information Step 2. Identify the Problem Step 3. State the Hypothesis, Yours and Others Step 4. Review Research Step 5. Design the Treatment Plan Step 6.
Evaluate Effectiveness and Generate Your OwnEvidence Afterword Appendix A: Autism Treatment Approaches References.