David Bernstein is a 17-year-old member of the Remnant of Terra, the descendants of the 2,000 people who survived the Cataclysm that destroyed human life on Earth. The Remnant were rescued by the Wyneri, and now live among them. The species live together, but remain apart. The Remnant devote themselves to preserving the cultural heritage of Terra, while ignoring their hosts. David, however, is fascinated by them. Xenophobia and his Wyneri friend's murder drive David to study the Terran-Wyneri relationship, and the mysteries surrounding the Cataclysm and the rescue. Has he discovered a cover-up? The true cause of the Cataclysm? Can Terrans and Wyneri actually live together? Can the Remnant even survive?.
In Memoriam : A Novel of the Terran Diaspora