On METROPOLITAN LIFE "Hilarious.an unlikely and perhaps alarming combination of Mary Hartman and Mary McCarthy. To a dose of Huck Finn add some Lenny Bruce, Oscar Wilde and Alexis de Tocqueville, a dash of cabdriver, an assortment of puns, minced jargon, and top it off with smarty pants." -- The New York Times "Her humor made me laugh aloud and call friends to read passages to them." -- Newsweek On SOCIAL STUDIES "Right on the mark. Among the things she hates this time.baggage-claim areas, high tech, after-shave lotion, adults who roller skate, children who speak French, or anyone who is unduly tan." -- Newsweek "Unique.
Lebowitz offers vocational guides for aspiring heiresses, popes, empresses; manuals for landlords; guidance to the rich who wish to meet the poor." -- Vogue.