"Ryan and Amanda have a truly amazing--and viral--love story. We've not only read the book, we know this couple personally, and they are the real deal. The One tells their fascinating story, but it's also chock- full of invaluable tips and practical approaches for anyone looking for lifelong love." --Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott, authors of Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts "Ryan and Amanda Leak's story is both inspiring and insightful. It's spontaneous romance coupled with historic wisdom from Scripture, making their story enticing to over one million people on YouTube. In The One, you'll discover the ingredients to their story that will also help make your story a success!" --Ron Luce, president/CEO of Teen Mania International "Upon meeting the Leaks, you can't help but see how they both reflect Jesus. From how they met to how they live now, it's amazing to see the way they use their gifts and talents as communicators to reinforce what love is: it's a surprise and a commitment.
Both Amanda and Ryan are continuously sharing this message in all that they do." --Bianca Juarez Olthoff, speaker and chief storyteller at The A21 Campaign "In an era when love needs clarity and traditional marriage seems naive, Ryan and Amanda present a practical, entertaining (romantic) apolo- getic, which appeals to the deep intuitions and longings of the human heart. This love story guides attitudes and behaviors into the fabulous opportunity biblical marriage was designed to provide. Whether begin- ning your personal love story or continuing to accelerate established love, this book will return your investment." --Pastor Jim Hennesy, senior pastor at Trinity Church and author of No More Cotton Candy .