Roopster Roux discovers that his teammates and Mr. Figby the librarian have been trapped in cyberspace by the evil Tegore and his assistant Boris. That's bad news. Worse news is that Roopster only knows this because he has become trapped there as well! The good news is that Roopster has one of the best tools ever invented for solving problems: teamwork. But is teamwork enough to defeat Tegore? You'll have to read the book to find out. So, what are you waiting for? Roopster Roux loves to read and wants you to love to read too! But he can't convince you all by himself. As any basketball fan knows, a team has five players on the court at all times. So, Roopster has selected his own all-star Reading Team: Brent Barry, of the Miami Heat; Cynthia Cooper, of the Houston Comets; A.
C. Green, of the Dallas Mavericks; and Tammi Reiss, of the Utah Starzz. Together, they hope to show you that reading can be as much fun as a fast break, a three-pointer, or a slam dunk! An audiocassette version of this book is also available from Pelican. It is narrated by Roopster's friend A. C. Green, of the Dallas Mavericks.