The first edition of INFORMATION RETRIEVAL TODAY, titled INFORMATION SYSTEMS, CHARACTERISTICS, TESTING, & EVALUATION, received the 1970 Best Book in Information Science Award from the American Society for Information Science. It was a pioneering exposition on the then-emerging field of information organization & retrieval. INFORMATION RETRIEVAL TODAY continues on the trailblazing path set by predecessor editions, providing unique insight into the opportunities afforded by automatic indexing, online retrieval, linguistics, semantics, the newer methods of transmission & display, & the latest developments in evaluation & quality control in the input & output processes involved in seeking & evaluating the contents of information retrieval systems. INFORMATION RETRIEVAL TODAY also provides sophisticated discourse on emerging tools & techniques such as CD/ROM storage & retrieval, online public access catalogs (OPACs), relational subject access, non-subject access, hypertext, knowledge-based expert systems, & other leading edges of the information science armamentarium. Price $54.95, plus $4.00 for shipping & handling. To order: Information Resources Press, 1110 North Glebe Road, Suite 550, Arlington, VA 22201.
Information Retrieval Today