TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 12 CHAPTER ONE: Astronomy and Astrology 19 Historical Background 19 CHAPTER TWO: Getting Started Stargazing 37 Getting Outside 45 CHAPTER THREE: Engaging Star Energy for Magic and Ritual 50 Working with Energy 50 Chakras 51 Accessing Star Energy with a Spiral 58 How to Use Star Magic 61 Astral Travel, Dream Work, and Ritual 64 CHAPTER FOUR: The Spring Quarter of March, April, May 68 The Spring Constellations 70 Boötes: The Plowman / The Herdsman, Green Man 70 Canes Venatici: The Hunting Dogs / Energy of Renewal 74 Centaurus: The Centaur / Chiron the Healer 78 Corona Borealis: The Northern Crown / Guidance and Power 83 Corvus: The Crow / Messenger from Other Realms 87 Crater: The Cup / Chalice of the Goddess 91 Hydra: The Water Snake / Symbol of the Goddess and Transformation 94 Leo: The Lion / Solar Power and Protection 98 Libra: The Scales / Balance and Justice 102 Ursa Major and Ursa Minor: The Great Bear and The Little Bear / Turning the Wheel of the Year 106 Virgo: The Virgin / Maiden and Mother Nurture the World 111 CHAPTER FIVE: The Summer Quarter of June, July, August 117 The Summer Constellations 119 Aquila: The Eagle / Power of the Sun 119 Ara: The Altar / Heavenly Sacred Space 123 Capricornus: The Sea Goat / Horned One of Abundance 127 Cygnus: The Swan / Enchanted Shape-Shifter 131 Draco: The Dragon / Wise Guardian 136 Hercules: The Strongman / Dagda and Odin 140 Lupus: The Wolf / Spirit Guide 145 Lyra: The Harp / Otherworldly Guide 148 Ophiuchus and Serpens: The Serpent Bearer and The Serpent / Harmonious Energy 152 Sagittarius: The Archer / Wildness of Nature 158 Scorpius: The Scorpion / Death Wielder and Protector 163 CHAPTER SIX: The Autumn Quarter of September, October, November 168 The Autumn Constellations 170 Andromeda: The Princess / Horse Goddess 170 Aquarius: The Water Bearer / Sea God 174 Aries: The Ram / Power of the Horned God 179 Cepheus and Cassiopeia: The King and Queen / The Lord and Lady 183 Cetus: The Whale / Keeper of Traditions 190 Delphinus: The Dolphin / Carrier of Souls 194 Pegasus and Equuleus: The Winged Horse and The Colt / Powers of Nature 198 Pisces: The Fish / Duality, Unity, and Divination 204 CHAPTER SEVEN: The Winter Quarter of December, January, February 210 The Winter Constellations 212 Auriga: The Charioteer / Wild and Wise 212 Cancer: The Crab / Between the Worlds 216 Canis Major and Canis Minor: The Great Dog and The Little Dog / Guardians and Guides 221 Eridanus: The River / Flowing Sacred Waters 226 Gemini: The Twins / Power Doubled 231 Lepus: The Hare / Magical Moon Energy 235 Monoceros: The Unicorn / Power of the Crone 239 Orion: The Hunter / Artemis The Huntress 242 Perseus: The Hero / Returning God of Light 246 The Pleiades: Seven Sisters / Bringers of Peace and Wisdom 250 Taurus: The Bull / Horns of Consecration 257 CHAPTER EIGHT: The Southern Hemisphere 262 The Southern Spring Sky: September, October, November 264 Aquarius 265 Aries 265 Cetus 266 Delphinus 266 Grus: The Crane / Seeker of Knowledge 266 Pegasus and Equuleus 270 The Phoenix / Energy of Self-Transformation 270 Pisces 274 Piscis Austrinus: The Southern Fish / Ancient Wisdom 274 The Southern Summer Sky: December, January, February 277 Canis Major and Canis Minor 278 Eridanus 278 Hydrus: The Southern Water Snake / Ancient Goddess Energy 279 Lepus 281 Monoceros 281 Orion 282 The Southern Autumn Sky: March, April, May 283 Centaurus 284 Corvus 284 Crater 285 Crux: The Southern Cross / The Power of Four 285 Hydra 289 Libra 289 Virgo 290 The Southern Winter Sky: June, July, August 291 Aquila 292 Ara 292 Capricornus 292 Corona Australis: The Southern Crown / Heavenly Heart 293 Lupus 296 Ophiuchus and Serpens 297 Sagittarius 297 Scorpius 298 SUMMARY 299 APPENDIX A: Finding Your Latitude 301 From the North Pole to the Equator: 301 From the Equator South: 302 APPENDIX B: The Stars and Color Magic 304 The Northern Hemisphere: 307 Spring Star Colors by Constellation 307 Summer Star Colors by Constellation 310 Autumn Star Colors by Constellation 314 Winter Star Colors by Constellation 316 The Southern Hemisphere: 320 Star Colors by Constellation 320 APPENDIX C: The Fixed Stars of Medieval Magic 322 Agrippa''s Fifteen Powerful Stars 324 APPENDIX D: Meteor Showers 331 APPENDIX E: Complete List of Constellations 332 GLOSSARY 335 BIBLIOGRAPHY 339 Online Resources 347 INDEX 348 Constellations, Asterisms, and Messier Objects 348 Stars by Traditional Names 349 General Index 352.
Star Magic : The Wisdom of the Constellations for Pagans and Wiccans