1. Advantage and disadvantage Abstract Keywords 1.1. Advantages 1.1.1. Freedom to design and freedom to move 1.1.
2. Freedoms to save material and make multi-material part 1.1.3. Freedoms to save energy and material 1.2. Fast process and freedom to design 1.2.
1. Why independent 1.2.2. Why fast process 1.2.3. Effect of shape and size on speed 1.
2.4. Requirement for comparing speed 1.2.5. Geometrical complexity and problem 1.2.6.
Perspective of machining 1.2.7. Perspective of AM 1.2.8. Advanced: AM or machining? 1.2.
9. Complexity and technique 1.3. Freedom to design 1.3.1. Not always better 1.3.
2. In injection molding (IM) 1.3.3. In machining 1.3.4. In AM 1.
3.5. Not enough 1.3.6. Restriction as advantage 1.3.7.
Side surface 1.3.8. Multi-tool AM Wall 1.
3.8.2. Cavity 1.3.9. Build directions 1.4.
Freedom to save material 1.4.1. Amount 1.4.2. Better than machining 1.4.
3. By multi-material part 1.4.4. How to save 1.4.5. How wasted 1.
4.6. Wasting and manufacturing 1.4.7. Wasting and complexity 1.5. Freedom to make multi-material part 1.
5.1. Deposition process 1.5.2. Bed process 1.5.3.
Changing parameter 1.5.4. High cooling rate 1.6. Freedom to save energy 1.6.1.
Repair 1.6.2. Efficient part 1.6.3. Light-weighting 1.6.
4. Assembly 1.6.5. Creating energy 1.7. Freedom to move 1.7.
1. Industrial implication 1.7.2. Limitation 1.8. Not independent advantage 1.8.
1. Rapid prototyping 1.8.2. Rapid manufacturing 1.8.3. On-demand production 1.
8.4. Accelerated time to market 1.8.5. Mass customization 1.8.6.
Production volume flexibility 1.8.7. Parts consolidation into assembly 1.8.8. Modular product 1.8.
9. Innovative product 1.8.10. Cost effective 1.8.11. Material waste reduction 1.
8.12. Customized repair, customized composition 1.8.13. Energy saving 1.8.14.
Distributed manufacturing 1.8.15. Supply chain improvement 1.9. Disadvantages 1.10. Energy-intensive process 1.
10.1. No shortcut 1.10.2. Not always demerit 1.10.3.
Energy sharing 1.11. Lack of processable materials 1.11.1. What if number increases 1.12. Lack of repeatability 1.
12.1. Difference between two sizes 1.12.2. Process resolution 1.12.3.
Accuracy of consolidation 1.12.4. Specification for machine 1.12.5. Accuracy and repeatability 1.12.
6. Meaning of lack of repeatability 1.12.7. Comparison
With mold-based process With machining 1.13. Slow process 1.13.
1. Slow due to processing difference 1.13.2. Slow due to support structure
Changing orientation Self-support structure
Reusable support Difficulty in bed process
Various types 1.14. Need of post-processing 1.14.1. Process and post-process stage 1.14.1.
1. Post-processing type action 1.14.2. Parameter types
Optimization 1.14.3. In AM 1.14.4. Not a fundamental disadvantage 1.15.
Paradox of AM being both slow and fast 1.16. AM saves or wastes energy? 1.17. About the book References 2. Examples Abstract Keywords 2.1. Composite 2.
1.1. Multi-material part and composite 2.1.2. Categorization of advantages 2.1.3.
Perspective of advantage 2.1.4. What is composite 2.1.5. Extension of concept 2.1.
6. Composite-1 and composite-2 2.1.7. Composite structure 2.1.8. Composite material part 2.
1.8.1. Composite feedstock 2.1.9. Deposition process 2.1.
9.1. Fibre-reinforced composite Metal composite 2.2.
Conformal cooling channel 2.2.1. Disadvantage of drilling 2.2.2. Disadvantage of casting 2.2.
3. By LPBF 2.3. Pattern and mold 2.3.1. Permanent mold 2.3.
2. Temporary mold 2.3.3. Temporary pattern 2.3.4. Permanent pattern to make mold 2.
3.5. Permanent pattern to make temporary pattern References 3. A concept for refabrication Abstract Keywords 3.1. Repair and refurbishment 3.2. Examples of refurbishment 3.
3. Bed process and deposition process 3.4. Top surface and side surface 3.5. Laser cladding and laser DP 3.6. Localization of repair 3.
7. Concept for standardized repair 3.8. Marking for repair a necessity 3.9. Design and repair 3.10. &.