Preface Acknowledgments Author Acronyms List of figures List of tables PART A: INTERNET COMPUTING 1. INTERconnected NETwork: INTERNET 1.1. Internet: The Giant WAN 1.2. Communicating over the Internet 1.3. Accessing the Internet 1.
4. Internet Organizations 1.5. Cyber Ethics 2. Internet Applications 2.1. Internet Services 2.2.
Electronic Mail (E-mail) 2.3. File Transfer 2.4. Real-time User Communication 2.5. Remote Login 2.6.
Usenet 2.7. World Wide Web PART B: WEB THEORY 3. The World Wide Web 3.1. The Web 3.2. The Working of Web 3.
3. Web Terminology 3.3.1. Web page 3.4. Web Architecture 3.5.
World Wide Web Challenges 4. HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol 4.1. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 4.2. HTTP Version 4.3. HTTP Connections 4.
4. HTTP Communication 4.5. Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) 4.6. HTTP State Retention: Cookies 4.7. HTTP Cache 5.
Evolution of Web 5.1. The Generations of Web 5.2. Web 1.0 5.3. Web 2.
0 5.4. Web 3.0 5.5. Big Data: A Special Discussion 6. Web IR: Information Retrieval on the Web 6.1.
Web Information Retrieval (Web IR) 6.2. Web IR Tools 6.3. Web IR Architecture (Search Engine Architecture) 6.4. Web IR Performance Metrics 6.5.
Web IR Models 6.6. Google¿s PageRank TM PART C: WEB DEVELOPMENT 7. Web Development Basics 7.1. Elements of Web Development 7.2. Client Side and Server-side scripting 7.
3. Model-View-Controller (MVC) Architecture 8. Client-side Technologies 8.1. HTML 8.2. CSS 8.3.
JavaScript 8.4. Bootstrap Framework 8.5. AngularJS Framework 9. Server-side Technologies 9.1. Server-side Scripting 9.
2. PHP 9.3. Node.js: Server-side JavaScript 10. Web Application Frameworks 10.1. DJango 10.
2. Ruby on Rails (RoR) 11. Web Databases 11.1. Web Database 11.2. SQL: Relational Databases 11.3.
NoSQL Databases: Non-Relational & Distributed Data 11.4. Understanding Popular Databases PART D: WEB RESEARCH 12. Research Trends in Web 12.1. Contextual Information Retrieval 12.2. Web Mining APPENDIX Appendix A: HTML Examples Appendix B: A Recipe Website project using Django and Neo4j: Kitchen Ninja Bibliography.