Introduction. Three stories that made me write this book Chapter 1. Data preparation 1.1 Analyzing and transforming the original data 1.2 Preparing the basis for a dashboard 1.3 Making data samples for visualizations 1.4. Setting up an interactivity 1.
5. Summary and conclusions of the chapter, quick tricks Chapter 2. Dashboard assembling 2.1 Assembling a dashboard according to the layout 2.2 Creating KPI cards 2.3 Aligning a dashboard, adding a header 2.4 Summary and conclusions of the chapter, quick tricks Chapter 3. Anatomy of diagrams 3.
1 Analyzing ready-made design styles 3.2 Setting up data labels 3.3 Working with the text: remove the excess, add the necessary 3.4 Designing bar charts 3.5 Setting up the chart template 3.6 Summary and conclusions of the chapter, quick tricks Chapter 4. Final dashboard design 4.1 Aligning the headers to the grid 4.
2 Creating new cards on the top of the cells 4.3 Making interactive slicers 4.4 Working with Excel colors and fonts 4.5 Improving standard Excel themes 4.6. Summary and conclusions of the chapter, quick tricks Chapter 5. Corporate identity 5.1 Creating a theme in accordance with the brandbook 5.
2 Adapting the theme according to the checklist 5.3 Creating a dashboard in a dark theme 5.4 Summary and conclusions of the chapter, quick tricks Chapter 6. Data visualization rules 6.1 Types of data analysis 6.2 How to choose charts 6.3 Life hacks for multiple data series 6.4 When you need everything at once 6.
5 Funnel and waterfall 6.6 Summary and conclusions of the chapter, quick tricks Conclusion.