Chapter 1 What Are the Origins of Brain and Behavior? CLINICAL FOCUS 1-1 Living with Traumatic Brain Injury 1-1 The Brain in the Twenty-First Century Why Study Brain and Behavior? What Is the Brain? What Is Behavior? 1-2 Theories of Brain and Behavior Aristotle and Mentalism Descartes and Dualism COMPARATIVE FOCUS 1-2 The Speaking Brain Darwin and Materialism EXPERIMENT 1-1 Question: How do parents transmit heritable factors to offspring? Toward Contemporary Perspectives on Consciousness 1-3 Evolution of Brains and of Behavior Origin of Brain Cells and Brains The Basics: Classification of Life Evolution of Nervous Systems in Animals Chordate Brain 1-4 Evolution of the Human Brain and Behavior Humans: Members of the Primate Order Australopithecus: Our Distant Ancestor The First Humans Relating Brain Complexity and Behavior COMPARATIVE FOCUS 1-3 The Elephant''s Brain Why the Hominin Brain Became More Complex 1-5 Modern Human Brain Size, Intelligence, and Culture The Significance of Human Brain Size Comparisons The Significance of Human Intelligence The Significance of Human Culture Chapter 2 What Is the Nervous System''s Functional Anatomy? RESEARCH FOCUS 2-1 Agenesis of the Cerebellum 2-1 Overview of Brain Function and Structure Plastic Patterns of Neural Organization Functional Organization of the Nervous System The Brain''s Surface Features The Basics: Finding Your Way Around the Brain CLINICAL FOCUS 2-2 Meningitis and Encephalitis The Brain''s Internal Features CLINICAL FOCUS 2-3 Stroke 2-2 The Conserved Pattern of Nervous System Development Comparative Brain Evolution The Nervous System and Intelligent Behavior EXPERIMENT 2-1 Question: Does intelligent behavior require a vertebrate nervous system organization? 2-3 The Central Nervous System: Mediating Behavior Spinal Cord Brainstem Forebrain Cerebral Cortex Basal Ganglia 2-4 Somatic Nervous System: Transmitting Information Cranial Nerves Spinal Nerves Somatic Nervous System Connections Integrating Spinal Function CLINICAL FOCUS 2-4 Bell Palsy 2-5 Autonomic and Enteric Nervous Systems: Visceral Relations ANS: Regulating Internal Functions ENS: Controlling the Gut 2-6 Ten Principles of Nervous System Function Principle 1: Neuronal Circuits Are the Functional Units of the Nervous System Principle 2: Sensory and Motor Divisions Pervade the Nervous System Principle 3: The CNS Functions on Multiple Levels and Is Organized Hierarchically and in Parallel Principle 4: Many Brain Circuits Are Crossed Principle 5: Brain Functions Are Localized and Distributed Principle 6: The Brain Is Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Principle 7: The Nervous System Works by Juxtaposing Excitation and Inhibition Principle 8: The Brain Divides Sensory Input for Object Recognition and Movement Principle 9: The Nervous System Produces Movement in a Perceptual World the Brain Constructs Principle 10: Neuroplasticity Is the Hallmark of Nervous System Functioning Chapter 3 What Are the Nervous System''s Functional Units? RESEARCH FOCUS 3-1 A Genetic Diagnosis 3-1 Cells of the Nervous System Neurons: The Basis of Information Processing EXPERIMENT 3-1 Question: Can the principles of neural excitation and inhibition control the activity of a simple robot that behaves like a cricket? Classes of Glial Cells CLINICAL FOCUS 3-2 Brain Tumors 3-2 Internal Structure of a Cell The Basics: Chemistry Review The Cell as a Factory Cell Membrane: Barrier and Gatekeeper The Nucleus and Protein Synthesis The Endoplasmic Reticulum and Protein Manufacture Proteins and RNA: The Cell''s Products Golgi Bodies and Microtubules: Protein Packaging and Shipment Crossing the Cell Membrane: Channels, Gates, and Pumps 3-3 Genes, Cells, and Behavior Mendelian Genetics and the Genetic Code Applying Mendel''s Principles CLINICAL FOCUS 3-3 Huntington Disease Genetic Engineering The Epigenetic Code Chapter 4 How Do Neurons Use Electrical Signals to Transmit Information? 4-1 Searching for Electrical Activity in the Nervous System CLINICAL FOCUS 4-1 Epilepsy Early Clues That Linked Electricity and Neuronal Activity The Basics: Electricity and Electrical Stimulation Tools for Measuring a Neuron''s Electrical Activity How Ion Movement Produces Electrical Charges 4-2 Electrical Activity at the Dendritic and Cell Body Membrane Resting Potential Maintaining the Resting Potential How Neurons Integrate Information Excitatory and Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potentials EXPERIMENT 4-1 Question: How does stimulating a neuron influence its excitability? Summation of Inputs 4-3 Generation and Propagation of the Action Potential Triggering an Action Potential Role of Voltage-Activated Ion Channels The Versatile Neuron RESEARCH FOCUS 4-3 Optogenetics and Light-Sensitive Ion Channels Action Potentials and Refractory Periods Nerve Impulse Refractory Periods and Nerve Action Saltatory Conduction and the Myelin Sheath CLINICAL FOCUS 4-2 Multiple Sclerosis 4-4 Into the Nervous System and Back Out How Sensory Stimuli Produce Action Potentials How Nerve Impulses Produce Movement CLINICAL FOCUS 4-4 ALS: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Chapter 5 How Do Neurons Communicate and Adapt? 5-1 A Chemical Message RESEARCH FOCUS 5-1 The Basis of Neural Communication in a Heartbeat EXPERIMENT 5-1 Question: How does a neuron pass on a message? CLINICAL FOCUS 5-2 Parkinson Disease Structure of Synapses Neurotransmission in Five Steps Varieties of Synapses Excitatory and Inhibitory Messages RESEARCH FOCUS 5-3 Dendritic Spines: Small but Mighty Evolution of Complex Neurotransmission Systems 5-2 Varieties of Neurotransmitters and Receptors Four Criteria for Identifying Neurotransmitters Classes of Neurotransmitters CLINICAL FOCUS 5-4 Awakening with L-Dopa Varieties of Receptors 5-3 Neurotransmitter Systems and Behavior Neurotransmission in the Somatic Nervous System (SNS) Dual Activating Systems of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) Enteric Nervous System (ENS) Autonomy Four Activating Systems in the Central Nervous System CLINICAL FOCUS 5-5 The Case of the Frozen Addict 5-4 Hormones Hierarchical Control of Hormones Classes and Functions of Hormones Homeostatic Hormones Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids Glucocorticoids and Stress Chapter 6 How Do Drugs Influence Brain and Behavior? 6-1 Principles of Psychopharmacology CLINICAL FOCUS 6-1 Cognitive Enhancement? Drug Routes into the Nervous System Drug Action at Synapses: Agonists and Antagonists An Acetylcholine Synapse: Examples of Drug Action Tolerance EXPERIMENT 6-1 Question: Will the constant consumption of alcohol produce tolerance? Sensitization EXPERIMENT 6-2 Question: Does the injection of a drug always produce the same behavior? 6-2 Psychoactive Drugs Adenosinergic Cholinergic GABAergic CLINICAL FOCUS 6-2 Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Glutamatergic Dopaminergic RESEARCH FOCUS 6-3 Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Serotonergic CLINICAL FOCUS 6-4 Major Depression Opioidergic CLINICAL FOCUS 6-5 The Opioid Overdose Death Epidemic Cannabinergic 6-3 Factors Influencing Individual Responses to Drugs Behavior on Drugs Substance Use Disorder, Withdrawal, and Addiction Risk Factors for Substance Use Disorder Individual and Sex Differences in Substance Use Disorder 6-4 Explaining Substance Use and Misuse Wanting-and-Liking Theory Why Doesn''t Everyone Develop Substance Use Disorder? Issues Related to Treating Substance Use Disorder Can Drugs Cause Brain Damage? CLINICAL FOCUS 6-6 Drug-Induced Psychosis Chapter 7 How Do We Study the Brain''s Structures and Functions? 7-1 Measuring and Manipulating Brain and Behavior RESEARCH FOCUS 7-1 Tuning in to Language Early Origins of Behavioral Neuroscience RESEARCH FOCUS 7-2 Brainbow: Rainbow Neurons EXPERIMENT 7-1 Question: Do hippocampal neurons contribute to memory formation? Methods of Behavioral Neuroscience Manipulating Brain-Behavior Interactions CLINICAL FOCUS 7-3 Brain Organoids and Personalized Medicine 7-2 Measuring the Brain''s Electrical Activity Recording Action Potentials from Single Cells EEG: Recording Graded Potentials from Thousands of Cells Mapping Brain Function with Event-Related Potentials Magnetoencephalography 7-3 Anatomical Imaging Techniques: CT and MRI 7-4 Functional Brain Imaging Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Optical Tomography Positron Emission Tomography 7-5 Chemical and Genetic Measures of Brain and Behavior Measuring Brain Chemistry Measuring Genes in Brain and Behavior Epigenetics: Measuring Gene Expression 7-6 Comparing Neuroscience Research Methods 7-7 Computational Neuroscience and Deep Learning 7-8 Ethical Considerations Neuroethics Using Nonhuman Species in Brain-Behavior Research Chapter 8 How Does the Nervous System Develop and Adapt? 8-1.
An Introduction to Brain and Behavior