"While directed to the home or daycare schooling level, this publication is filled with art projects and suggestions that could be extended to kindergarten and lower-grade classrooms. The emphasis is on process and independent thinking rather than on product in this compilation of more than sixty-five art activities. While there are variations, a majority of the ideas presents begin with a list of materials needed, adult/teacher preparatory recommendations, a description of the processes and techniques the children will explore, and tips for further involvements and variations. Most activities, organized into six groupings, are presented on a single page, accompanied by lively line drawings. The chapter groupings center around painting, drawing, sculpting, printing, collage, and a miscellaneous grouping. Chapters have clever headings and feature a number of unique experiences such as printing with bubble wrap, fingertip prints, and toy wheel printing. The chapter on printing begins with an alphabetized double-page spread of printable objects. The book also features a unique and helpful system of simple icons for each activity that indicate activity levels, amount of pre-planning needed, cleanup actions, cautions, and more.
" - School Arts Magazines.