Dan Koboldt has worked as a research scientist for 14 years. Currently, he is a Principal Investigator for Nationwide Children's Hospital and an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics for The Ohio State University. He and his colleagues use next-generation DNA sequencing technologies to uncover the genetic basis of birth defects and rare pediatric disorders. He has co-authored more than seventy publications in Nature, Cell, The New England Journal of Medicine, and other scientific journals. He is a member of the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) and routinely presents his research at international conferences. Dan is also a science fiction and fantasy author. His debut novel, The Rogue Retrieval, was published by Harper Voyager in January 2016, with a sequel due out in April 2017. He is a member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA), the World Fantasy Convention, the World Science Fiction Convention, and the Codex Writers group.
Dan is also well known in the community of aspiring and emerging authors through pitching contests. He is the founder of #SFFpit, a twice-annual Twitter pitching event in which authors seeking representation and publication pitch their completed manuscripts to literary agents and small-press editors under the #SFFpit hashtag. The most recent event drew 550 participating SF/F authors and more than 30 literary agents and editors who specialize in SF/F. Dan also volunteers as a mentor for the Pitch Wars contest, an annual event in which agented authors serve as mentors to writers who are seeking representation. Pitch Wars drew 1,600 applicants in 2016 and resulted in more than 50 offers of representation. Although it's open to all fiction categories, fantasy and science fiction were the most and third-most popular genres, respectively. Both Pitch Wars and #SFFpit have increased Dan's visibility in the SF/F writing community, particularly among the aspiring authors who represent this book's core audience.