Genes VI gives an integrated account of the structure and function of genes in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. Previous editions offered a balanced, all inclusive study of modern molecular genetics. GENES VI builds on that approach, providing a new synthesis and continuing the greater emphasis, first seen in Genes V, on how genes function in their biological context. Rapid advances in the field of molecular genetics have occurred since Genes V was published. Reflecting these advances, GENES VI has been thoroughly updated with the latest thinking and research in the field. More is known about gene replication, transcription, and translation, about oncogenes and tumor suppressors on cancer, as well as many other areas. Now Genes VI responds to these changes with an up-to-date treatment of molecular genetics. With a revised full color design, dozens of new figures, a more extensive list of suggested readings, and the support of companion CD-ROM software, this widely used volume provides the most current and comprehensive information available in genetics today.
The content of GENES VI has been extensively updated and restructured. It begins with a basic overview of the principles of the subject. Next, extensive coverage of the role and function of DNA is presented. The third part of the book discusses translation, and the sections covering gene expression have been entirely reworked to reflect new knowledge. GENES VI concludes with chapters examining in etail the role of genes in some of the key areas of molecular cell biology research, development and oncogenesis.