During a writing career spanning thirty years, Miles Kington acquired a legion of fans devoted to his particular brand of quirky humour. Here, collected into one volume for the first time, is a selection of his best work. There are passages from his (entirely fictitious) autobiography SOMEONE LIKE ME, extracts from the hilarious Franglais Lieutenant's Woman still the definitive translation of the classics into modern 'Franglais' and many other gems of comic writing. Setting the observational comedy of Kington's articles for Punch and the Independent alongside the descriptive beauty of his travel writing and some previously unpublished material, BEST BY MILES is a treasure trove. It is a treat for anyone who has ever delighted in the subtle, skilful and irreverent humour of a unique and much-loved British writer.
The Best by Miles : A Selection of Miles Kington's Writings, 1964 to 2008