Introduction: India-Africa Now: Changing Imaginaries and Knowledge ParadigmsMeera Venkatachalam and Kenneth King PART 1: The Geopolitical Imaginary and Soft Power1. India's Soft Power in East Africa: Opportunities and Challenges Muhidin J. Shangwe 2. Between Business and Balance: India-Japan in Africa vis-à-vis ChinaMrittika Guha Sarkar and Jagannath Panda PART 2: The Indian Political Right and the Reconfiguration of Soft Power in Africa3. The Indian Political Right, Soft Power, and the Reimagination of AfricaMeera Venkatachalam 4. Modi and the Mahatma - The Politics of Statues and the Saffronisation of India-Africa relationsSimona Vittorini PART 3: Capacity building: Shifting Modalities and New Knowledgescapes5. India's Changing Human Resource Diplomacy with Africa, and Africa's ResponsesKenneth King 6. A Shining Example: Modelling Growth in India's Pan-African e-NetworkVincent Duclos 7.
Partnership in Times of Pandemic: India's Covid Diplomacy with a Lens on AfricaSupriya Roychoudhury and Emma Mawdsley PART 4: Skilling, Knowledge Transfer, and Indo-African Interactions8. Precarious Partnerships: Tanzanian Entrepreneurs of Asian and African DescentJacqueline Halima Mgumia and Chambi Chachage 9. The Trumpets and Travails of South-South Cooperation: African Students in India since the 1940sGerard McCann Conclusion: Reflections on India-Africa Studies, Development Cooperation, and Soft PowerKenneth King and Meera Venkatachalamoudhury and Emma Mawdsley PART 4: Skilling, Knowledge Transfer, and Indo-African Interactions8. Precarious Partnerships: Tanzanian Entrepreneurs of Asian and African DescentJacqueline Halima Mgumia and Chambi Chachage 9. The Trumpets and Travails of South-South Cooperation: African Students in India since the 1940sGerard McCann Conclusion: Reflections on India-Africa Studies, Development Cooperation, and Soft PowerKenneth King and Meera Venkatachalamoudhury and Emma Mawdsley PART 4: Skilling, Knowledge Transfer, and Indo-African Interactions8. Precarious Partnerships: Tanzanian Entrepreneurs of Asian and African DescentJacqueline Halima Mgumia and Chambi Chachage 9. The Trumpets and Travails of South-South Cooperation: African Students in India since the 1940sGerard McCann Conclusion: Reflections on India-Africa Studies, Development Cooperation, and Soft PowerKenneth King and Meera Venkatachalamoudhury and Emma Mawdsley PART 4: Skilling, Knowledge Transfer, and Indo-African Interactions8. Precarious Partnerships: Tanzanian Entrepreneurs of Asian and African DescentJacqueline Halima Mgumia and Chambi Chachage 9.
The Trumpets and Travails of South-South Cooperation: African Students in India since the 1940sGerard McCann Conclusion: Reflections on India-Africa Studies, Development Cooperation, and Soft PowerKenneth King and Meera Venkatachalam.