When people get together for a special event, they remember the highlights for many years. Whether you find yourself in charge of one event in a lifetime or you have chosen event planning as a career, you want your events to be remembered because they flowed smoothly and every detail was carefully orchestrated. Successful events do not just happen. They are the result of hard work, creativity, and painstaking attention to detail.Successful Event Planning is the most thorough, concise, and easy to follow event planning book available. From the initial concept to ongoing management, techniques to increase your chances of success, and systems to avoid many common mistakes, we also introduce ways to save time and money. The flow of chapters, checklists, and timelines follows the dynamics of the actual event production process. As the reader undertakes the complexities of daily responsibilities and tasks, Successful Event Planning inspires efficiency and confidence.
Whether you are a professional consultant or a novice, you will find this guidebook a must-have if you are planning the Academy Awards or your daughter''''s wedding.You will discover a wealth of information covering the entire process of event planning. This book gives you step by step plans for pulling together a successful event without pulling your hair out. You will quickly learn how to become the savvy event planner whether it is for your own new business, your personal use, working as an independent consultant, or for your company, association, or charity. You will be able to lead others to plan, organize, and carry out an extraordinary event for any theme, size, location, or budget.Two special bonuses included in this book are timely, relevant information on the latest technology used today and environmental suggestions to make your event GREEN. You will be shown how to use current, developing technology to keep your attendees in touch with each other and their workplace while at an event as well as the latest audio-visual equipment that will dazzle your participants and provide the best environment possible for getting your message out. Making your event ?environmentally friendly? is made easy with the suggestions in this book.
Using detailed ideas, choices, examples, and true stories, the author puts you at the forefront of a growing conservation, "green" direction this country is taking. You would be amazed at the amount of non-biodegradable waste accumulated from even a small gathering when the non-environment choices are made. You will not find these environmental facts and ideas for event planning anywhere else on the market. This book will broaden your scope as you envision perfect events and will encourage you to deal with other professionals who make your business or your single event a success. Even if you are bringing together just one family, for a wedding or reunion, this book arms you with the sequence of tasks leading up to a well-planned, successful occasion. If you are considering event planning as a money-making path, here you will find the business know-how that can lead to a global reputation as the "go to" person when thousands are gathering in one place.Think of all the circumstances that bring people together. Each is an opportunity for you to shine whether it is a grand opening, seminar, reception, wedding, corporate event, fundraiser, Bar and Bat Mitzvah, dance, retirement party, convention, reunion, retreat, premiere, festival, conference, carnival, or sporting event.
Reasons to get together are endless.Getting you started and saving you money are but a few of our goals. Tricks of the trade and career-saving suggestions combined with humorous anecdotes about events gone awry will give you the inside scoop on being the best event planner possible. This ultimate guidebook equips the reader with new ideas, support, and creative problem-solving skills. From the initial concept to the thank-you notes, Successful Event Planning?s organization unfolds to keep the planner focused and knowledgeable enough to avoid pitfalls.This guidebook informs and equips the beginner through their first event assignment as well as anyone "volunteered" in the middle of the process. And for the veteran planner, there are always new ways to save money and new resources to make your planning go smoothly. This book serves as continuing education on the latest technology and the environmental suggestions for even the seasoned planner.
This book is for everyone!An additional benefit is the extensive list of web addresses of resource in the reference section that will aid every event planner in every aspect and at every stage of the planning process. We have you covered!Proceed with confidence.