Three : Acid, Texture, Contrast - the Essential Foundations to Redefine Everyday Cooking
Three : Acid, Texture, Contrast - the Essential Foundations to Redefine Everyday Cooking
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Author(s): Kiazim, Selin
ISBN No.: 9781787137288
Pages: 256
Year: 202112
Format: Trade Cloth (Hard Cover)
Price: $ 48.30
Status: Out Of Print

"Inspiring, thoughtful and incredibly useful. Selin Kiazim thinks like a chef but writes for cooks everywhere." - Diana Henry "Once again Selin has created a truly impressive mouth-watering entity. It's fabulous and well-written, thoughtful and generous in its information." - Peter Gordon Three looks at the magic elements that make a plate of food truly come into its own: acid, texture and contrast - the fundamental building blocks that will transform a modest dish into the star of the show. Chef Selin Kiazim gives you the know-how on how to use ingredients from the store cupboard or fridge and combine them in a way that elevates every single element. Whether you want a simple midweek meal or a centerpiece to blow your guests' socks off, there's something for all occasions. Starting with a guide to the basic foundations of a dish, along with clever ideas for pickles, dressings and condiments to get the balance right, the recipes are then divided by type of food - alliums, beans, greens, pulses and grains, brassicas, fruit, nightshades and mushrooms, nuts, poultry and meat, seafood, and roots and tubers.

Selin's recipes show that a meal can be so much more than the sum of its parts through the simple guidelines of using acid, texture and contrast in each dish.

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