The first book in the series MY FIRST BOOK ABOUT THE QUR'AN (9780860376187) was stocked in Barnes and Noble, selling 78 copies as of July 2018. A unique product for this age group. Other books have been produced that introduce the Prophet Muhammad for slightly older children but this book offers young children a very basic list of his character and teachings. Has the potential to be a 'must-have' book for all Muslim parents. Focuses on the universal messages that are common to all faiths - peace and love - and manners that we all wish for our children - to look after the environment, care for our family, friends and neighbors. It is illustrated in a way that is common to many Christian children's books (the illustrator worked on a Bible book for children in the UK) and will not feel out of place in a mainstream bookshop. This book will be significantly cheaper than the alternatives for slightly older children and is priced to sell in volume. Includes a page at the end of the book that introduces the Prophet Muhammad and answers some questions children might ask about him.
My First Book about Prophet Muhammad : Teachings for Toddlers and Young Children